Thursday, September 20, 2007

Peer Pressure and Treats

I learned a long time ago that I should avoid peer pressure. So, when my good friend Beth told me about her 2 month plan to obstain from sugar, you better believe I avoided the peer pressure. And I said "how dare you try to get me to do something THAT healthy.....I would have severe anxiety" (but I said it nicer than that). So, for the past month I have NOT avoided sugar and Beth, on the other hand, has quite nicely met the halfway point to her goal. (Beth you know I love you).

But on the other hand, I DO try to limit my sugar from what my natural self would prefer.

So, here's what my dilemma was tonight. All I could think about was a double scoop ice cream from Baskin Robbins (peanut butter chocolate and mint chip, to be exact.....and 16 points if I was still doing weight watchers). Its sort of like my its-Thursday-night-and-I'm-burned-out-and-deserve-a-treat type of craving. So I mulled over it for a while and even had the keys in hand a couple times (I'm sort of indecisive). Finally, I decided NOT to go and to settle for three fun sized candy bars (snickers, peanut m&ms and a baby ruth, to be exact......6 weight watchers points).

So, I felt a little guilty for what I DID eat, but sort of proud of what I DIDN'T eat. And what I can't figure out.......was that a good thing? or still bad?

Either way, it tasted great :-)


Beth said...

Don't even talk about icecream!!! Ha, anyway you had a craving and I think it is good to give yourself a little treat (or a big treat!) if you needed one.Believe me I'm one to think a hard working mom needs some icecream every once in a while, (or a lot in awhile)! Even though I'm doing this fast, overall I know you have more control than me.

Beth said...

Oh, and I had no idea my fast was affecting you mentally. We never talk about it.

Chelley said...


Well I guess I do the same thing..

I think ok if I have a diet soda then I can have the fries! One good for one bad?????

hmm yeah sound good to me....

I keep vowing that I am going to stop drinking soda but as of yet, me 0 soda 6 million!

Tara said...

I think it is a perfectly logical justification. I believe in that religion as well, you made a good choice. :)

Unknown said...

Don't even get me started on late night cravings! Ryan and I ate so much mini sized candies last night while we watched a movie!

Amy said...

the lesser pts, always a better choice but if it were me, i'd still go get the ice cream (that PB & chocolate always a great choice at BR), within a week's time, for sure! that's funny, i had the same yearnings last night but it was for ColdStone instead. I'm addicted, yes the "A" word, to the Founder's Favorite! MMM MMM