Monday, September 17, 2007

The Good and Bad

Good: Friday was Grandparents' day for the Kindergarteners. How lucky was Jordyn to have TWO grandparents come? I wouldn't have had that as a kid. She was so excited, she couldn't see straight. She didn't want to sleep the night before and was horrified when she was leaving for school that day and I informed her it wasn't till 1:00! Thanks, mom and dad, for totally making Jordyn's day!

see Jordyn intentionally hiding? she was acting shy. this is a good "where's waldo"

I got a kick out of seeing my parents in these tiny chairs

Good: Peyton had her first Lollipop at the Grandparents' day function, courtesy of Grandma! She liked it for about 15 minutes, then was happy to hand it over.

Bad: Sunday I got hit with the flu that's been circulating. I drug myself out of bed to go to church for like 45 minutes. We have a big primary program next Sunday and I just had to touch base with how the practice was going. Thanks to Tucker for taking care of the girls yesterday. I was out of it. It reminded me way too much of being pregnant. Yuck.

Bad: Its hard not to let the "piles" around my house get me down. If there is just one day that I am not 100% on top of things, it gets worse at lightening speed. Here is what I'm TRYING to tackle today. (mom does this bring back fond memories of the "good ol' days?")

Good/Bad? I don't know which yet. I took that SUPER hard test I was talking about (the CSET) on Sat. I had to report at 7:15 am - and finished around 12 noon. I did 135 multiple choice questions (on every school subject in the world) and then 12 short essays. Ugh. I had been studying for a few weeks and also had a friend who had taken it and he had helped me out.

So, I don't totally feel that I bombed it, but I didn't ace it either. We'll see in a few weeks! If I failed any section of it, I can try again in November. My goal is to start a teaching credential program in the spring.


Tara said...

I'm so proud of you and the test-taking, you are bold to move forward doing something beyond motherhood, I'm proud of you. I know it sounds silly to praise you for that, but I think it's a really good thing to have under your belt. There are those of us still paralized by fear and stay in our comfort zone, I WANT to go back to school, but I'm so afraid at the same time. While dealing with my own feelings, I just feel that much more proud of you!

BTW- your piles of clothes are NOTHING compared to what my ENTIRE house looked like after I had the flu! It took me a whole week to semi-recover the house and get rid of some of the stench. :)

Tara said...

oh ya, and how lucky is Jordyn! That is SO COOL that your parents are there. Jordyn looks so grown-up. I keep saying that about Jade, but every year I look back, and think how little she looked the LAST YEAR. It just seems to get better and better!!!

Beth said...

I agree with Tara, that it is so good of you to take this test. It is so hard in motherhood to do anything extra. Oh and I love the piles. That is a norm around here.

Chris Grover said...

How fun for Jordyn having gma and gpa there! That must have absolutely made her day, week, month, year! Your laundry picture made me a little bit sick to my stomach!! I am already shocked at how much more laundry I'm doing with one little baby and with 3 children, it seems a little bit daunting (a lotta bit daunting)! And maybe can you post a little more about your teaching goals? I just think this is so awesome and want to hear more about it! Congrats on finishing such a difficult test!