Thursday, September 11, 2008


I don't discuss politics much. Not because I don't care, but I think I've figured out that it's partially because I am really not a competitive person. I mean, sure, I like to win a game of cards....or know that I did my best on some project I've done. But overall, I'm turned off by having to PROVE who I am or WIN people's interest. And that is exactly what you have to do in politics!

As I was watching the news this morning, it was reaffirmed to me how the Presidential capaigning (or cam*pete*ing) - although essential to our political structure - epitomizes what I personally would rather die than do.

I also hate how it has to turn into a campaign about why the OTHER person should NOT win, rather that just about the candidate and their position. I mean, I see the ads on TV, and if I was uninformed, I would probably believe all the anti ads I see. I don't know, it just seems like it turns into a bashing competition and that turns me off.

So I'm trying to find a way to stay interested and informed even in the midst of my skin crawling at the popularity contest part of it. That being said, with how incredibly close this race is, I sure hope people in our country step up to the plate and VOTE. Not only for the President, but I hope we are all educated on the various propositions as well. Otherwise, we can't complain, right?


Katie said...

AMEN! I can't tell you how frustrated I am when all the political commercials come on. I should just turn off the tv until after the election! (but I will miss Survivor and Amazing Race, so that just won't happen!)

But I totally agree with you. I HATE talking about politics, I HATE listening to people ACT like they have all the answers and their opinion is the only one that matters. I prefer to to learn about and understand the issues on my own, but it is difficult to know what sources can be absolutely trusted now. What do we do???

Beth said...

Agree! The reason I can't stand it is that it is impossible to know the truth even if you do your homework. How do we really know?

britt said...

You couldn't have explained MY feelings better. Very Well said! I too am so turned off by all the negativity and the bashing. Why don't they just focus on what positive THEY have to offer, rather than what they feel is negative about the other!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

I totally agree- I hate dirty campaigning and I feel that this election is definitely filled with dirty tricks on both sides.

I especially hate the commercials. It's just negative, negative, negative. I don't pay attention to them but they drive me insane. I think the most important thing we can do is try our best to find unbiased info(which is almost impossible). I've made up my mind just a couple of weeks ago and feel at peace with my decision. I've tried my best to research how my candidate stand on the most important issues to me such as healthcare, education and the war and based it on that.