Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Here's to Ninety Years

Tucker's Grandpa passed away last night at 90 years old.....in his home....after he'd been lovingly cared for by many, but especially all 10 (yes ten) of his children over the last months as his health has naturally declined. The legacy that he and Tucker's grandma are leaving behind is pretty amazing. Having raised 10 children is remarkable anyway, but the entire family is talented, strong, musical, giving and very family-oriented! His passing is (of course) sad for the obvious reasons. But it becomes bittersweet to know that he was physically deteriorating and he is now free of pain and discomfort....and also to know that he righteously fulfilled his mission here on Earth and was ready to go back "home".

I'm so glad we took the time to see them when we were in Utah at the end of July, and that we took this special picture of Tucker, his dad, his grandparents and our girls.


Tara said...

It is always sad when someone with such a positive influence in families lives, passes to the next life. It is really neat that you got that photo. It really makes all the difference when you know you were able to say goodbye in some way beforehand. Are you coming up for the funeral? (sorry about the Cafe Rio message, that was really bad timing?)

Chris Grover said...

that is a pretty priceless picture, i bet. but what special memories and feelings tucker's whole family will be able to carry with them for such a special person. you're right, it is always so bittersweet, but a blessing to know they are in a better place.

Unknown said...

This time in our lives of losing grandparents is so hard. Both of Ryan's grandmas are so sick right now, being 95 and 91 can take its toll. We are trying to prepare ourselves for funerals sooner than later. I am so glad we know they will go on to better things. Give Tucker a hug for us.

Beth said...

My thoughts are with you Tucker! It is such a time of reflection and a flood of memories. To be sad means that you loved, which is a blessing! To be happy with death means you have faith in a loving Heavenly Father, which is the most priceless blessing of all.

britt said...

I am sure that last time spent together is so much more meaningful now! Although, as our grandparents age, their passing isn't so unexpected, it still must be quite hard, I am sure!
Send our regards to Tucker and his family!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your grandpa Tucker. I have great memories of your dad's family. Vard and Elaine shared an anniversary with my parents, and there were three wedding cakes on the table at Judy and Neal's Wedding Breakfast! As we were eating, Vard would tell us what was in the different Maxfield chocolates so we could pick our favorites! Remembering it still makes me smile! ~ Aunt Linda