Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Primary, oh Primary!

One of the things I love about the church I belong to is the opportunities it provides me to ways I may not otherwise encourage myself to do. For the past nearly three years I have been able to serve in the Primary Presidency, and for the past few months I've been given the *opportunity* to be the President. Our primary has around 50 children ranging in ages 3-12. I have to say, I've really loved this calling and opportunity to serve these children and be inspired by wonderful teachers and leaders! I work with wonderful women in the presidency and they motivate me to want to do better. Sometimes it feels stressful, and during church on Sunday you can usually find me with a post-it attached to my fingers running around doing administrative odds & ends, but the spirit I feel from these children and the purity they exude uplifts me more than anything! I feel especially thankful that I get to see and teach my own children the truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ not only at home, but at church too! There are often times I want to complain to myself and rebel against the responsibilities that fall upon me as the President, but I truly know that the blessings outweigh the sacrifice when it comes to serving God's children (both little and big!). So, for now it works and for now I'll serve in this capacity! :-)


Janessa Couch said...

I am in the Primary Presidency also and it is so much fun. We have 120 kids that come each week! It is amazing. I do not know how we make it through but we do. I bet you are really busy getting your program ready. We do ours in three weeks so it is crunch time. They are very lucky to have you as their Primary President.

Unknown said...

You are much better than I- I am really grumbling about my sunbeam teacher calling. It has been the hardest calling I have EVER had. I need peer interaction with people my age to even feel like enduring church and I don't get it at all with this calling (will I burn for saying this)

Jamie and Family said...

Katie, I have to tell you that after watching our sunbeam teacher every sunday, I can PROMISE you that being primary president is MUCH MUCH EASIER than that! I am SOOOOOO serious!!!!!

I get to work mostly with adults FOR the kids.

The poor sunbeam teacher....I told her she deserves to wear sweats and be bare foot at church for all the physical work she does.

YOU, my dear, will get a special place in heaven for that calling and I am NOT kidding!!!!!!! :-)

britt said...

With evey calling comes different amounts of stress and energy. But I am SURE yours has a great amount, and every week! I bet you are superb at it though. I would love to be in a presidency WITH YOU! You're awesome and I am sure that is why you have been in that capacity (one way or another) for so long!