Friday, June 22, 2007

This is crazy

I hope I describe this adequately...

The Background: So like 4-5 months ago, Tucker lost his wedding ring. He took it off when he worked out at my dad's house and somewhere between there and home, poof! It was gone. We were sad...both for sentimental reasons and $$$ reasons (like $400 to get a comparable one). Soooo, for months he didn't wear one, which bugged me.....a lot. We finally got a temporary cheapie replacement a few weeks ago.

On to the wierd part: So last night Tucker gets home from going out with the missionaries and having a great experience. As he was telling me about it, he somehow dropped his (cheapie) ring down in the big recliner chair. So he turns it upside down and NOTHING. He shakes the chair and still no ring. I (very sarcastically) said "Well, now you've lost two rings. I bet they're in there together".

All of the sudden, I hear Tucker [behind the chair] laughing this wierd laugh. I look up, and guess what he is holding in his hands? BOTH rings! The cheapie AND the real one!!!!

(although I really like the silver "cheapie" ring, the gold is the sentimental expensive one!)

We were so shocked! I mean, what are the chances that he would drop another ring in the EXACT same spot? It was hidden in some velcro part of the chair that we would have NEVER, EVER, EVER thought to look in had this cheapie ring not fallen. It was so cool! I wish I knew if things like that were just a strange coincidence....or maybe some sort of small blessing from above? Either way, hooray!


Chris Grover said...

I say no coincidence! Because that really IS a blessing! That is one of the strangest, coolest stories I've heard in a long time! I mean really, what are the chances of that? Now Tucker can be blinged out and have multiple rings!

Tabitha said...

I once heard a quote, it has remained my favorite since I heard it years and years ago. "A miracle or coincidence is an act in which God remains anonymous" I love it!

Anonymous said...


Katie said...

FEEEWWWW!!!!! That is just wonderful!!! Just keep the cheapie ring in case of an emergency, but I think we have a bigger problem on our hands... is Tucker wasting away so much so that his rings fall off so easily?

britt said...

I understand the frustration of him not wearing a wedding ring........I am still struggling with that one. We also lost 2