Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Third Tall Tooth Tale

At the age of 6 1/2, Jordyn just lost tooth number 3.....or 5 if you count the two the dentist pulled (which she does). But it's the third that came out from being loose the natural way.

I cannot tell you what a saga this has been for us. Her first tooth Tucker yanked out and it scared her. The second literally fell out on its own. But this third one has taken literally six weeks to get out! It's been grossly loose for a month. And everytime we talk about it, or try to help her with it, she ends up crying hysterically and getting in a bad mood. If I even THOUGHT about it, she would sense it and run away from me. Seriously. It's been drama.

So, imagine the happiness and relief we all felt this morning when Jordyn ran up to me and said LOOK MOM! She did one final yank on her own, and out it came! Whew. I can only pray that the next 40 loose teeth in our family are not that stressful. Way to go Jordyn! Pretty soon I'm going to have to puree your food! Ha ha. I love the awkward and cute no-front-teeth phase!

One of the usual crying episodes....
Trying again....

Nope, more crying....

It was making me so sick (I HATE loose teeth) last night because it was hanging there! (Don't mind the huge wad of gum in her mouth. You actually may want to avoid this pic altogether...)

And this morning, the answer to our prayers ha ha!

Finally, a happy girl!


Unknown said...

Savannah will be so jealous. She still hasn't lost even one tooth and there are no prospects.

Jamie and Family said...

Katie, Savannah's teeth are just following their natural selves and holding out as long as possible! Ha ha

Eliza2006 said...

Now you can sing her the "All I want for Christmas" song this year!

Tara said...

wow, Bill has never let any of the kids teeth reach that stage. He will pull the "mean parent" card and seriously DEMAND Jade or Josh stand still so he can pull it when I think it's too soon. You are doing good, your children will need less tooth-therapy than mine.
Thanks for the info about the camera. I have talked to a few more people I trust, and it sounds like I did pretty good with camera choosing, even though it's not a Cannon. The only thing that gets me is that I paid too much for it. Stupid Best Buy, why did I listen to my mother and go there to shop? Can't wait to post some pictures that I hope will look half as nice as yours. I hope!

Tara said...

Also, thank you for the complement, that was a really nice one. :)

Chris Grover said...

wow, that really was hanging there! it really is adorable to have that nice space there for awhile! love it!

Katie said...

My advice would be to wait until she falls asleep and get in there and wiggle the tooth as much as you can...don't pull it (how traumatizing would that be?), but get that tooth really loose.

OR go get that anbesol cream (kind of like a topical anesthetic) then you guys could numb her gums (be sure to get some on her tongue...the mouth always feels numb when the tongue is numb) then one fast yank could take care of it. :)

Good luck with any future ones!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

I love Jordyn's new smile. She looks so cute.

britt said...

I was glad that Ame lost her two front teeth, around the same time too. I just LOVE the no front teeth look. It is so cute to me! Plus there's just that little lisp when they talk, which I love too.

Grammy said...

How traumatic! You should have been a fly on the wall when Katie lost her first tooth. I have never heard such crying in my life! We thought maybe the neighbors would call the police for child abuse or something! After that first incident, she was a trooper.

Owen said...

Yikes! I should have taken your advice and avoided that picture all together!! HAHA! I am not a fan of loose teeth either....glad it's out so she can gum her food now!