Friday, November 21, 2008


We're in a fairly consistent habit of having the girls pick out their outfits the night before. When we remember to do it, our mornings are for sure smoother, especially for Jordyn.

One of my favorite things is to walk by and see Lexi's clothes laid out. She always lays them perfectly on the floor of the playroom. It's so cute, and SO her. Jordyn sets hers up in her room, and often changes her mind in the morning. Anyway, just one of those things that makes me smile.


Beth said...

that is a good idea and so sweet.

britt said...

very cute and so Ame too!
I noticed your doll house and wondered what kind it was and if you thought it was a good one. That is one of Ame's requests for Christmas. She has one that we got at a yard sell last year and she says she wants a NEW one. I haven't decided if that is what she is actually going to get yet, but wondered if you had any good recommendations that wasn't super expensive (as many of them are).

K Western said...

So cute! That's something Ashlyn will sometimes do, too, and she lays it just like Lexi!
I noticed the walls are red in the background. Who's room did you paint red?