Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Today I am tired. And I have too much on my to do list. And, therefore, I fit in with millions of others this time of year!

All I can day dream about is sleeping. I am so tired and I just want to sleep. But at the same time, all I can WISH for is a few "free tickets" for a night off sleep without feeling tired. I could get so caught up! Imagine, 8 hours straight of peace and quiet with all the children nestled in their beds while I check off my to-do list!

My car has been in the shop for over two weeks. I was rear-ended by a texting high school girl and we sent it in for a little repair job. While there, the key broke off in the ignition....sending us to a whole new body shop and a whole new set of probs. While THERE, he diagnosed 75 hoses leaking and all that jazz that comes with a 7 year old car ($1800 worth. Where is that gonna come from?).....Thank heavens for rental cars, sisters who loan you cars and friends who loan you cars!

Peyton is not yet walking (13 1/2 months) and doesn't seem in a hurry. She has taken up to 10 steps at a time, but she doesn't like the unsteadiness, so she drops to her knees immediately. I am being patient, but I really want her to walk! She has entered this new phase of frustration (and screaming) because she wants to do EVERY single thing her older sisters do - and that is NOT possible. I think walking would alleviate SOME of that frustration.

Tucker is working out 4 days a week and getting all buff. I'm proud of him. He is out of bed at 5:15 and out the door to my dad's "gym". He and my dad are having a fun time with this regime. And even though I am very proud of him, I can't help but feel flabbier by the day as I see him tighten up. I can only blame myself because I seem to be in an extra non-exercise mode lately.

Lexi is a very enjoyable and happy little girl who I like having around all the time. She can be draining too, because she has SUCH an independent personality that she takes ANYthing I say as merely a suggestion and proceeds as though I don't exist. Stinker.

Jordyn has lightened up a bit. Our morning routines aren't nearly as severe as they once were and I don't feel hatred each morning anymore (it was drastic). She is very much a leader and a helper in our home.

And lastly, to end my jumble, I'm excited because my Cousin Kelly is coming to visit tonight for 5 days. Haven't done that in a long time, so it'll be fun to catch up!


Unknown said...

It is hard to read your blog with the white font on the white paper??? That will be fun to see Kelly. I know what you mean about exercise. I feel the need- but should I start or wait until the 6 weeks post pardum are up??

Jamie and Family said...

Katie, TOTALLY give yourself the 6 weeks. No pressure during that time and then the Holidays on top of it, not to mention hormones out of whack!!!!! You deserve this "window" to relax and adjust. My opinion :-)

Jamie and Family said...

Katie, do you mean white font on RED paper? or do you see white paper?

Tara said...

What I wouldn't give for the extra energetic hours, I would get so caught up too! What is exercise anyway? Eddie is 9 months and I have been on a treadmill ONCE! I just keep telling myself there is a time and season for all things, this just isn't my season for a heck of alot of things. Just think, you have years ahead of you to make progress each year towards that ultimate goal of being caught up and having it "together". I too just HOPE I can be a little better at this whole holiday thing each year. :) Good luck, I'm sure your doing fabulous!

Chris Grover said...

Oh my gosh, I have so totally wished for the no sleep, but not tired dream! I am such a night owl that I feel like I could paint the house and do any and every other thing from my list if I could just not sleep at night! But it never works that way! I just bought Hip Hop Abs (should I be embarrassed that I just wrote that on a public site?) and we'll see how long that holds my attention! I get sooo bored with the same old exercising -- that's really my biggest issue! You constantly amaze me with all that you juggle and accomplish, so even though you feel overwhelmed, I think you are actually pretty incredible with all that you do!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

Jamie I can so relate to the skipping sleep but not being tired.. i too dream of sleeping in but yet.. would love to have 8 hours of just being productive... If only it would be possible.. Love catching up on your blog

Daytrippingmom Media said...

I forgot to add that I loved loved the cake for lexi's party.. You are so talented!!