Friday, December 07, 2007


Can someone help me figure this out?

This year, we pulled out our Christmas stuff from the garage with much excitement of making the house festive and fun.

Much to our dismay, not a SINGLE strand of lights worked. Not a single one. There were probably 10 strands - different colors, sizes and ages. We were baffled. And sad.

Can you solve this mystery? I have tried and tried. But each time I plugged one in and got *nothing*, I felt more and more confused. I tried the theory of it being SO hot in the garage this summer that maybe they just died. But that doesn't work because my family has lived in this valley for over 20 years and that hasn't been an issue.

I'll give you a candy bar if you can figure it out.


Carlotta said...

christmas lights are retarded. if even ONE is burned out then the whole strand goes. That's the FUN part. Figuring which one is burned out. LOL

Tara said...

Most of them have a tiny little "fuse" box in the plug thing, you need to use a knife or screwdriver to push the little "door" open, and replace the fuse with one from that little bag that is usually taped to the light strands. I just learned about that this year, I never even noticed the "fuse box" since it just looks like a few lines of extra green plastic on the plug, and I never knew what those little tiny glass cylinder things were either, but they are "fuses", and when the entire strand goes out, you can replace it and they will work again. At least this is what my handyman neighbor showed me this last week. I don't know if you have tried that or not, hope it helps! :)

Tara said...

Oh, and for Carly, according to my neighbor, when the whole strand goes out, that's an issue with the fuse, when one or two lights go out, (which has happened to me), then you just need to replace the tiny bulbs, or so he says. :)

Anonymous said...

Made in China

Amy said...

lights: a blessing and a curse.