Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Our Christmas Journey

First Stop: Dinner with Dane, Beth & co.
This is our annual tradition with them. We get together for dinner and do a gift exchange. We had a yummy taco dinner and a fun time. I can't believe the kids are getting so big. Lindsay (6), Jordyn (5), Jacob & Lexi (4), Luke & Peyton (1). It's so fun to have such great family friends.
Next Stop: Christmas Eve at Mom & Dad's
We had a fun family night at my Mom and Dad's house. My mom got the kids matching outfits to make it feel more festive (and cute)!

The whole fam minus Carly and Alyson (sad, we missed them).

is still so wierd to see Pey walking around. She loves her newfound freedom and looks so dang cute trying to balance herself!

Grandma got some good snuggles in

And the kids always love to play with Grandpa

For my mom's gift, Lindy and I transferred old VHS tapes onto DVD (what a huge project that was!) and I also printed out her blog and put it in a binder for her

My mom got the girls their big request of a cash register! They love them!

Kristy commented the other day how she never got her own special birthday cake from I surprised her and made her a "Scion" logo (of her beloved car)

The kids even ended their night with matching jammies.

Third Stop: Christmas Morning at Our House!

Since the girls love taking pics and are always stealing my camera, I thought this Fisher-Price camera (at Costco) would be perfect! I even splurged and got them each their own. But they were pretty crappy, so I talked to them and decided to take one back and get something else for them (they want High School Musical barbies, but somehow those are nowhere to be found right now).

Pey, of course, wanted EVERYthing her big sisters got. I KNEW I should have just tripled every gift! I'll remind Santa of that next year!

Tucker's gift to the girls was their very own Camelbak. He always takes them to REI, and they see the 67 Camelbaks he owns, so they were excited to have one of their own (although they DID say they wished they were pink!)

Tucker was VERY excited about his "Utes" gifts!

Final Stop: The Tree is GONE!!

And oh my gosh, the needles it left behind!!! I can't believe we didn't break our vacuum this year. Today I went on a search for a fake tree (after-Christmas sales!) and I can't find one taller than 7.5 feet with colored lights. Sigh. At least for now my living room is dead-tree-free!

Hope your Christmas was as enjoyable and happy as ours!


sosilly said...

The picture story makes it look like such easy, simple days! It doesn't show the endless energy and fussy baby! Thank goodness the pictures are the real fun memory that will last. It all went quite well I must say.

Unknown said...

Savannah got the same camera- Santa didn't know he needed his own batteries though.

sosilly said...

I forgot to say, look how cute the girls white, lace trimmed leggings are!!!!!

britt said...

I agree with your mom, the days are full of fun, but also lots of tired crying kids and in our case some sickness too. But it is all worth it when you see your kids excitement!
We had big time high school musical requests...which luckily "santa" shopped for the day after thanksgiving sales and was lucky to find both girls.

Beth said...

very cute pictures. the kids look happy!

Tara said...

How fun!!! I love the picture ofyour mom with all the kids around her. I hope I get to see her while she is here. Pey is absolutly DARLING!!! what a girl!

Carlotta said...

I feel like something is wrong when you guys are all dressed without sleeves!! It looks so foreign =)