Sunday, December 02, 2007

Mmmmm, Butter

So, when I buy popcorn, I usually buy the "light" kind. Although I LOVE extra butter on my popcorn, its (of course) fattening and its greasy (for kids).

But they keep claiming that they want popcorn with "yellow butter like at Grandma's house".

So last night I popped them some popcorn, and when their typical buttery request came up, I said "I don't have it now, but, next time I'll buy some but for now this is what I have".

A little while later, I heard Jordyn rumbling around in the kitchen. I walked up to see what she was doing. She had spoonfuls of butter in her popcorn, and popcorn kernals all over the butter! She was trying to accomplish her goal of "buttery popcorn" no matter what!

I said, Jo "what are you doing?". She said, "I want it like Grandma's popcorn. This tastes so good!"

So, I took out the butter clumps, melted it and drizzled it over the popcorn. Yum. It reminded me of being a kid, before the days of microwave popcorn. Kids are quite determined, aren't they?

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