Monday, September 18, 2006

Potty Story

*Warning, may be TMI!*

Tonight Lexi and I were outside - she was riding her bike and I was on the porch swing (Tucker had Jordyn at her first piano lessons - which she loved, by the way). Anyway, Lexi said she wanted to go inside and put on her swimsuit (for no reason, she changes clothes 4/5 times per day). *Seriously, what comes next is NOT exaggerated!* So, it had been at the MOST three minutes and I heard her calling me. So I went in, figuring she needed help wiping..............and BOY did she EVER!!! What I saw when I walked in the bathroom didn't see humanly possible in that short of time. She had poop spread ALL OVER both legs, the entire toilet bowl, the floor and her bottom. I mean, I still can't figure out what happened and HOW it happened so fast! Oh my gosh, it was so gross. So she went straight in the tub and I disinfected the entire bathroom. All I could think as I was - yet again - scrubbing the bathroom floor, was all the things that can (and will) transpire when the baby is nursing or crying, etc! Lots of fun and excitement in store for us, huh?!

By the way, if it crossed your mind that I look big in the pics below, I AM. On friday, I was 33 weeks and I measured 5 weeks big at 38 weeks! No wonder I feel SO ready to be done! Could be big baby, could be extra fluid...we'll find out more at the next appt.


Unknown said...

I am so sorry- that is one of those things that you can put off either- you have to do it right then. Savannah threw up this weekend-2times. I hate cleaning that kind of stuff.

Chris Grover said...

Ohhh Jamie, what an adventure! Do you sometimes wonder how so much can come out of a person that small? I wonder that every week as I shovel up dog poop -- how can a puppy go to the bathroom that much and still be alive?!