Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Grape Harvest

Last week, Tucker had the chance to do some manual labor in the grape vineyards! Our church has vineyards specifically for church welfare use, and they have the local wards give service to prune, harvest and roll the grapes that will eventually become raisins. It's hard work, but can be satisfying at the same time. I've gone the past few years, but decided I had a good excuse not to spend hours bent below a grapevine this year ;-)


Chris Grover said...

Oh how I remember the good old days of picking grapes! Seeing that picture just brings back such vivid memories of doing that every year! Hopefully the the heat wasn't too killer!

Unknown said...

Man- I sure don't miss that activity. I just remember getting SOOOO dirty.

Debbie said...

I do not know how I got out of that when we lived there. Probably watching the kids:)