Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Cute Kid Thoughts

I have to jot this thought down before it jumps out of my brain. Lexi is a mature 2 year old...but luckily still says some things funny and cute, just as a 2 year old should do. So, tonight as I was putting her to bed, I said "oh, wait, your blanket's in the dryer" and before I knew it she was standing on a box peering into the washer (she gets the washer and dryer confused). I said "it's right here Lex" as I grabbed it out of the dryer and she laughed "oh mommy, why was it in the dry-wash?". It was also VERY hot, having just come out of the dryer and she kept saying "Ohh, it's so cold!". She makes me laugh. Then I proceeded to kiss her goodnight, and asked if I could bite her cheek and she very matter-of-factly said "No, mommy, I'm not food!". Just very cute. She was also really cute today at dance class when I looked up and she was naked in the bathroom with pee EVERYWHERE and I was on my hands and knees (with a HUGE pregnant belly) scrubbing the floor of the bathroom and then proceeded to walk down the street to my car with a butt-naked child! (said with much sarcasm). I really do love her a ton!

I also have to add that I am thankful that I've had a bit more patience the last couple days with my kids (this pregnancy is really taking it out of me). Maybe it's my new hair cut! Ha ha. But seriously, either they've been acting a little better and THAT'S made me have more patience, OR I've been more patient SO they've been better. I have a feeling it's the latter. I've just started to explain to them more of WHY I need them to listen. Like..."Please hurry and get out of the tub (as I'm standing there with a towel and have asked 15 times with my voice disappearing into thin air) BECAUSE the baby is SOOOO big and is making mommy hurt. I need you to get out so I can sit down!". For some reason, including the baby in my reasoning has helped a little, so I'll just do what works!

1 comment:

Chris Grover said...

Those are things to be written down so they can always be remembered! Too cute! And once again, I am awed by how you do it with two little ones and the third on the way!