Monday, September 11, 2006

Am I a Little Bit Crazy?

*warning - Carly - this post may be hazardous to your professional health!!

Yes, I think I am a little bit crazy. (But, Mom, I know you'll understand!!) So, here's the deal. I've been growing my hair for nearly two years. Why? Just for fun. It's gotten pretty long lately and of course the bug to cut my hair short has been biting me for a while. Once it bites, it's really hard for me to forget about it. And I tend to be somewhat impusive when I want something...I want it NOW. My hairstylist for the past 5 years or more has been my sister Carly. But when she informed me I may not see her till Christmas, I thought..."CHRISTMAS is lightyears away!!! I can't wait that long for my cut & color! I'll just have to take matters into my own hands!".

And tonight I did just that.

I went into the bathroom, put my long hair into a ponytail, and chopped it off! Then I did my best to straighten up the layers...and to the untrained eye, it looks pretty decent. If Carly combed through it she'd probably be horrified! (you can straighten it up at Christmas, Car!).

Lastly, it wasn't quite complete without some new highlights. I hate seeing the regrowth. So I added a couple foils of highlights. And now I can sleep well tonight...(I told you I'm a little bit crazy). Some pics below...

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