Monday, September 18, 2006

Our Weekend

We had a great weekend. I think I'm paying for it because I'm so sore, tired and uncomfortable today (I feel like I'm functioning with my personal battery at about 10%)! We had a spur of the moment night out to dinner with my parents on Friday. We haven't done that for long time and it was fun!

(Sorry Mom, I didn't get your 'approval' before posting this pic! Ha!)

Then Saturday we worked in the yard a TON, taking advantage of the 70's degrees weather. And that night had a BBQ with friends in the ward.

Me and my wonderful patient husband who never (outwardly) complains about how patient he is with me and all my pregnancy moods.

My friend Beth and I - who has been a sanity saver this pregnancy because she's feeling everything I feel so we never feel bad about discussing our woes!

Jordyn and Lexi with their close buddies!

And finally, yesterday at church was primary program practice (which is stressful if you're in the primary presidency) and then in the afternoon we were able to go to some other friends' home for dinner. To top the night off, my sis Lindy was "nice" enough to drop off a white cake with homemade chocolate frosting at 10:00 pm for us. Don't think we didn't have some right before bed!!! Evil.


Chris Grover said...

What a FUN weekend, and again Jamie, your hair is REALLY cute! I'm so impressed! Lovin the belly, too (I'm sure you may feel differently, but it looks dang cute)! 70 degrees, eh? Try about 45 for us! Yikes!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great weekend. You look great and the belly is getting bigger by the day. I can't wait to see that little girl. Did Kristy ever give you that present I sent? Anyway- love the hair too.