Sunday, March 08, 2009

Therapy Baking

I've always loved to eat home-baked things, but haven't always loved to actually do the baking. Until the past few years. My love for baking has continued to grow and become a hobby for me.

Home made bread has always seemed so tedious to make, so I always stuck to quick baking like cakes, cookies and other quick-breads (banana). But I've slowly come to really enjoy the process and patience of home made yeast bread. I may only do it once every month or two, but if I could I would eat it all day every day.

For me, it's not difficult to squeeze in the time to do's more therapeutic for me. In the midst of stress, it can bring me a strange sort of peace and anticipation to have something yummy baking. And then to pig out on it the rest of the day. I also love to share it with my family. So Lindy and my parents usually get a portion of what I've made.

(No wonder I can't lose this extra weight!)

(I obviously need a bigger bowl....and this one is pretty big!)


Jill said...

Ok, your bread looks perfect! You need to share your recipe and tips!

britt said...

I too LOVE the joy of baking! It just feels great that YOU have made it and everyone can enjoy it. It is nice to give it away and share too (but we must always save a bit for ourselves). We should swap some recipes :)

Melvin and Carly said...

I agree. Your bread looks great and you should definitely share your recipe.

K Western said...

Yes, I agree. Please share your recipe! It looks delicious.