Wednesday, March 18, 2009


First off, Happy Birthday Mike (28 on the 14th) and Lindy (26 on the 23rd)! We had Lindy and Mike over for a combined birthday dinner (since I thought Lindy would be out of town on hers, but now she might not be so a good reason to celebrate again!!). Steaks and yummy chocolate cake! I have zero creativity left, so I broke my own tradition and did not do a personalized cake. Just a basic chocolate one. Sorry guys! :-)

Cute family!

Peyton and Paxton are 8 months apart and absolutely LOVE eachother! They follow each other everywhere!

A couple weeks ago, I tripped in my house on a phone cord (who the heck has phone cords anymore, you ask? Well, it's attached to our Dish and has to go across the hall way). I usually have a rug covering the cord, but it was being washed. So I ATE IT HARD one morning at like 5:30 am and was cussing on the floor in the hallway. It hurt SOOOOO bad. Anyway, I jammed my big toe and could hardly walk on it for a few days! Wish it was a more exciting story than being injured in my own hallway :-)

1 comment:

Melvin and Carly said...

Ouch! That toe looks like it hurts.

And I have to tell you that I had to look twice at Lindy's family picture because my first thought was "why is Jamie in that picture?" Funny because you definitely look like siblings, but not quite enough alike (particularly in regards to hair color) to be mistaken for the other. Which always happened with me and my sister too and when I was younger I found it rather irritating. Sorry to do the same to you! :)