Monday, March 16, 2009

I Did It

I finally made kids pull cards. Not because it's my style.....but for two reasons:

1) It's Mrs. Garza's classroom and I needed to respect HER rules while there (and uphold them).

2) It was either that, or start screaming like a maniac "STOP IT!!! I've asked you a thousand times to STOP playing with your shoelaces and humming and talking to your neighbor, and spacing off and making farting noises with your hands...."

Actually, I've made some progress in the classroom management area. Maybe before I was at a 2% success rate, and now I'm at a 10% (in the big picture), but my teacher even said I've improved. Hooray!

There is always a flip side though. And one little girl, Miranda, came up to me and said "Mrs. Maxfield, can I read you my journal entry?". I'm always happy to hear their creativity, so she proceeds with......"I had to pull a card today and I felt really sad. I have never pulled a card before, so it made me sad to pull a card. I felt sad, but now I feel happy. I don't ever want to pull a card again". Talk about breaking my heart! I hope I didn't scar her!

Two more days, and then I'm on to 3rd grade for the rest of the semester!


Daytrippingmom Media said...

I'm so impressed Jamie by all that you do. You are a wonderful teacher and I'm sure all of your students are going to miss you- but how exciting you get to teach another grade!! I wonder how different your 3rd grade experience will be from this. It's been so long and since I don't have school age children I can't remember if there is much difference between 1st and 3rd. I'm sure there is. Can't wait to hear all about it!!

Allan and Diane said...

Well congratulations Jamie for surviving student teaching in lst grade. That must have been a TOUGH one. I found that 1st is really most difficult for a myriad of reasons. You will love 3rd and will think "they are SO independent" and they still like their teacher. I began my career there for 3 years.

K Western said...

Oh, I would have died after reading her journal. I had an experience like that when I was student teaching (e 8th graders) and I felt horrible. But it's part establishing the discipline in the classroom. Good luck with the 3rd graders.

Katie said...

I remember the first (and possibly the last) time I had to pull my card. I just about cried, I was that little Miranda... but you know, I got over it, and although I was upset, it didn't go down on my permanent record, I was not traumatized...and most importantly I tried my best to never let it happen again. I think it builds character.

I have so much respect for teachers, I can't even begin to understand your patience, and the amount of work you put into each day. Way to go!

britt said...

I definitely agree with my mom, 3rd grade will be soo different and I THINK better, for so many reason. Good Luck. But I am sure you will be greatly missed by those 1st graders :)

Beth said...

Wow! I think that sounds so hard but neccesary to actually say "go pull a card". I'm interested to know how 3rd grade will feel. I'm so glad your still posting. I don't know how you do it.

Melvin and Carly said...

I'm sure that must have been hard, especially after hearing that little girl's journal entry. I'm positive you didn't scar her though! Good job surviving first grade!