Monday, March 23, 2009

Change of Plans

So, on Friday I got a last minute message that "We're so sorry, but we have no third grade openings for a student teacher".

Okaaaaay. So, now what?

I'm still waiting to hear where I'm going next. All I care about is that it's a good fit with my Master Teacher.

My supervisor is working on where to place me now. In 4th-8th grade. So I have a "free day" today (i.e. laundry, housework, homework). And that's nice. But if I don't start this week, then there is no way I can fit in all 45 school days I'm still required to do before the end of the school year.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

britt said...

oh that is stressful, when something like that, that you can't control just changes. I'm anxious to hear what happens?!