Thursday, July 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom!!

Monday, July 28, 2008
Monday Fun
Tiffany also stopped by with Eliza, and Carly stopped by for a bit with Alyson! It was a fun day. My girls were so tired tonight, Lexi actually asked me if she could go to bed in the middle of all the cousins playing! Poor girls - so wiped out! But also so much fun.

First of all, we saw Creighton. Creighton and Tucker have been friends for like 12 years. Creighton was Tucker's "little brother" in their fraternity in college. They have one of those instant bonds and don't get to see eachother often, but when they do it's like no time has passed. Creighton is such a great guy and it was so fun to see him for a bit! He came to see us and then stole Tucker away for some lunch. Thanks Creighton!
Next we went to visit our friend Aimie and her family. Aimie and I worked together at Siebel for a few years (from 2000-2003) and since then have both had three daughters! It was fun to see her, catch up and see her amazing new home!

Our second daughters: Addi and Lexi
The firstborns, Zoey taught Jordyn how to play Guitar Hero!! She loved it!
Then we were so happy it worked out for Karli and Chris to come to see us at Tucker's parents' house! Karli is like family to me and I love how we connect and could literally talk for days and days (and used to when we lived together in college!) without tiring. She and Chris and Kaiya make such a beautiful family. Thanks guys!!

And of course the rest of the night was family time. Playing games, kids playing, eating....all the usual great stuff!

Maren and Greg's House

And so did River! (Lyndsy and James' little 2 1/2 year old cutie)

We tried to zone them all out to a movie (that lasted 20 minutes)
And the thumb suckers found solace in their favorite past time!

Visiting Tara

Jade made salt dough and the kids had a blast making little creations!
Bill is so tall! He and Tucker first met when we visited them in Japan in 2001 and hit it off!

Bear Lake!

How Peyton was most of the time. A little sad and whiney. But still cute.
The girls played with Tucker on a floating dock!

Jordyn's very favorite part was putting up the "man down" flag!
Tucker popped right up on the wakeboard, even though it's ben around 5 years! I can't say the same for myself. After multiple tries, I sort of got up on a slolam ski and my muscles said "I'm DONE!".
Don has a volleyball court built in front of the lake house!

This is just a few of the many pictures we took. We had a great time seeing family, being in a beautiful lake and staying at such a beautiful home. Thanks a million Don and Monette!!!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Another Day in the Life of a Road Tripper
But the many pros outweigh the cons tenfold: seeing loved ones, making memories, taking pictures to blog about, the kids fight so much less, we're not messing up our own house, a new exciting adventure each day, a break from my "life" and duties, seeing my kids absorb each place and person and build upon their memories...
(I love when I can do a quick blog each day about my trip - it is so much better than getting back and feeling overwhelmed about catching up on the blog.)
Today we were able to see Kandelyn, Ashlyn, Tanner and Haylie. It's been about two months since they moved away from us, and it was so exciting to pull up to their new home and see where they disappeared to! It wasn't too long of a visit, but it was so great to see them and catch up a bit. We sure miss them!

And finally, a sneak peak at the amazing Bear Lake "cabin" we get to stay at for the next two days. (It's more like a mansion than a cabin!) We were so excited that Tucker flew in and joined us today for the rest of our trip. More to come....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Me and Katie