Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This Kid

Man, I love this kid so much! I feel so happy that I get to spend every day with her! She is so stinkin' cute and is so full of personality! I just love it. Every morning when she gets up, her sisters fight over who gets to have Pey Pey sit by them. They love her 99% of the time. The other 1% they aren't in the mood for "a baby in their room".

  • Peyton is 20 months old.
  • Her favorite songs to sing are: I am a Child of God, You are My Sunshine, ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle, 5 Little Ducks....but honestly, she rocks, dances and sings to nearly anything.
  • She can sign at LEAST 35 signs. And usually signs with her conversations. I have to really watch close to remember what she's signing.
  • Pey talks in full sentences a lot of the time. She will come into a room and say something like "JoJo scare me mommy" or "Mommy take a shower?". She talks all day long, really.
  • Peyton still LOVES her baby dolls. Often has one with her.
  • She is obsessed with Tucker's car. Every night when he gets home, she runs outside (she can open the front door, scary) and yells "DADDY'S RED CAR!!!" with more enthusiasm than I've ever had for anything.
  • She loves to tease. She knows her cousin Lyric's pet peeves, and will persistantly do them over and over to make her cry. I'm scared for what the "twos" might hold for us.
  • When Peyton is mad or frustrated, she will put her hands on her hips and shake her hand at me YELLING *something*?!
  • She loves her blankie so much. It is already very tattered, so Grandma has bought her two others and I have bought her one other....and she does NOT like them even close to as much. She sucks her thumb while holding her blankie and makes it all look so cozy!
  • She is obsessed with "lo-chun". She is ALWAYS finding lotion and putting it all over her body.
  • Peyton loves her family so much. She will SCREAM "GRANDMA" when she sees a picture of her (or sees her) and when Paxton comes into church, she RUSHES over to him with the most intense happiness. She is overall a very happy and passionate little kid.
Here are a few pics of her "in action".

Paxton and Peyton (9 months apart)

Peyton with her "blankie".

Every single day as I get ready, she begs for "lo-chun"

Our routine is for her to brush her teeth while I fix her hair.

And here is what she looks like when she's screaming at someone!


sosilly said...

Should have done a photo shoot with today's lotion escapade!

I gave her (yes, I gave her) a giant pump bottle and then forgot as I went to the other room!
Oh my gosh, I found her slathering a baby dolls head and then she thought it was her shampoo too!
She even eats lotion folks!
She is quite the character I have to say.

I love her thumb and blankie!
She's the only one with this
genetic habit so far.

I love her intense passion!

Eliza2006 said...

So cute! Be afraid. Be very afraid (of two)!!!


Tara said...

I'm curious to see if the signing really does help with the "twos"? She is also child number 3, I have heard they can be a bit more mellow through the twos and threes since they have older siblings to distract them and to learn from? I guess we will both find out soon! I JUST borrowed Signing Time from the library, (I'm still too cheap to buy them), but already Eddie has picked up 3 signs from the DVD. He was watching several other signing DVD's before, and he learned "more" and "eat", but that was it. Signing Time really is the best. Josh LOVES watching it with him, and all the kids are now doing signs around him. ST is just more interesting and fun to watch with all the music and colors. I'm so glad you got me started on that. (and I'm glad Eddie will now sit and watch TV, for a short time anyway) :)
I can't wait to see Pey! Wow, what a growing girl! It still seems so strange that she and Eddie are only 5 months apart, since Eddie is a bit delayed, they seem more like a whole year different! What a fun little redhead, so much personality! LOVE IT! :)

Chris Grover said...

pretty much about the cutest little 20 month old i've seen! i just love her piggies so much and her beautiful eyes! what a fun personality too!

Katie said...

Your little girls are all so very cute! I am so surprised at how big she is and that she is talking and is officially one of the little girls, and not just the baby. She is too cute!

Unknown said...

I can't believe how big she is. She definitely has her own look- So cute and I love her eyes. I feel sad I don't know her better. I can't wait to see her and the other girls soon.

Daytrippingmom Media said...

She is beyond cute!! I love her little pig tails.

britt said...

Very cute! I wish Ash would say ANY words. He kind of says dadda and a couple of other "sort of" words. He watches signing time almost every day and I try to reinforce them, but he just screams or whines when HE wants something!
(Sorry for that little mommy frustrated vent)
Peyton is getting soo grown up. What a cutie!