Monday, June 16, 2008

Re: Summer Vacation

The voices in my head are starting to repeat: "Find a summer day camp for your kids before you lose your mind"


Tara said...

I have to agree with the voices in your head. The best summers I have had with my kids, have been when they are involved in something on a regular basis. Even if it was me teaching art classes twice a week, and swim team practice every evening. SOMETHING to add some sort of structure to the days. You don't have to do what I'm doing, two kids in summer school/camp all day, every day, with a pretty strict schedule. But even if you can participate in a "joy school" type thing, where you trade off with 5 or 6 other moms, each taking a different week, and doing a music/dance/craft hour every day or just 3 days a week. Have the girls wake up at the same time, go to bed at the same time, and have one or two chores or activites set at specific times every day, just to give them some structure. Like my mom had D.E.A.R. hour, (drop everything and read). Or a set time for a 10 min house tidy. The girls can watch the clock and tell you when it's 11am it's time for "10 min tidy", (or 5 min), and give them a tiny prize for picking up more than 10 items and putting them BACK where they BELONG. Anyway, I'm going off on suggestions, sorry. I have just found that my home runs so much better when I have some sort of structure. I have never been chart-crazy, or truly on top of things, but even a set time each day for reading or house tidy, seems to help the kids, and stickers on a chart are never a bad idea! (The girls could even make their own summer caterpillar to put all their tiny reward stickers on). OK, I'll stop now, sorry. :) love you, and good luck!

Tara said...

ugh.... I should have emailed that, sorry!

sosilly said...

My pool is open ANYTIIME. You can see how many times the can jump off the side in the "lilly pad" boat!
I agree with at least a 25 hour a week day camp.
I remember saying that I would be happy to pay teachers to do school 12 months a year.
Actually I think summers off are mostly for the teacher's benefit. The kids loose too much learning time.
Year round might remedy this.

I have no answers, just empathy!

Unknown said...

Again- why I LOVE year round school so far!

Anonymous said...

Jamie, my kids (oldest ones) are in a Parks & Rec FREE program for the next 8 weeks (I choose if I send them, so I won't send them every day, such as when we're on vacation), but it is every day from 12-4 p.m. FREE, Parks & Rec Summer Playgrounds program. They will not sit home and watch tv all summer and argue with each other!!
Maybe they offer something like that where you are. Worth looking into.