Friday, June 27, 2008

Documentary of a Road Trip

Ever since Beth & fam moved (abandoned us), I knew it would only be a (short) matter of time until we'd need to see for ourselves exactly WHAT it was that drew them away :-)

So, the kids and I left on a road trip.  To South/Eastern Utah.  aka: Out in the middle of nowhere.  But beautiful!

I told myself that since it's 100 miles less than our usual mileage to Salt Lake ,"it'll be a breeze".  

Yeah right!

11 hours in the car is too long for any children.  Mine did amazing, considering.  I'd really prefer to never drive more than 8 hours. But really, it wasn't too bad.  It didn't scare me off from doing another UT road trip later this summer.

I thought it would be fun to document our road trips.  I'm sure this will be a staple memory in my kids childhood since we have so many loved ones choosing to habitate in the state of Utah!

This  was in the beginning, and they were happy and excited.

Jordyn asked "are we still in California?" at least 85 times before I could say "No".

I was thinking about California's new hands-free cell phone law starting July 1st...and I thought if only the police realized how much MORE distracting it was to have a bunch of kids in the car, they'd outlaw that too!

Luckily I had passed out barf-bags to the kids at the beginning of the trip (I'm a seasoned road-tripping mom) and Lexi managed to get all of her throw-up in hers!  (yuck AND hooray!)  We stopped and got some child dramamine after that.

This is my handy box of ALL sorts of snacks!

And this cooler as my passenger, full of gogurts, cheese sticks, grapes, apples, water, soda, juice, milk, etc.

Peyton got so bored by the end.  She's never even taken a pacifier, but these two random ones in my car bought me like 15 minutes of happiness.

I always eat healthy on road trips.

And the scenery is exactly like this 80% of the time!

By the end, Pey was randomly hitting Lexi because she was so frustrated!  But the good thing about a road trip is that it just ENDS when you arrive at your destination!  We all recovered within half an hour of being here and are having a good time with our good friends!  

All together again! After a short night's sleep, today we went swimming :-)

Peyton and Mommy by the pool. She is scary by the water for two reasons: She is nearly a ghost-white child, and she has ZERO fear of the water. Today she was pushing out of my arms saying "Let go mommy!!!!"

The whole gang!


sosilly said...

Oh the good old days when I was the traveling mom and we threw a mattress in the back of our station wagon with no car seats in sight!

Have fun!

Tara said...

I LOVED your station wagon growing up, I thought it was way better than mine cause we could hang out "separate" from the middle seat in that nifty pop-out back seat. It was loads better than our station wagon with the two carseats bolted in the back, and I would try to curl up in a ball on the floor to sleep. Good times.

Anyway, glad you are safe and having a good time. I still think you are nuts, 11 hours!!! I agree, 8 is my max. I might do 11 once a year or every other year on my own. I also like how we both have the same travel styles. I have my car "organized" in almost the exact same way you do for trips. I'm glad you are getting some good "friend" time, you deserve it, and I bet the kids are in heaven with their buddies. Looking forward to more pics of your trip! stay safe!

Chris Grover said...

jamie, this was so fun to read! and i admire your bravery! very good preparation! seriously, though, that's the kind of stuff your kids will always remember! and how fun that you got to see beth and her kids again! have fun and we will be anxiously waiting your next trip back here!