Thursday, June 05, 2008

Bucket Dipper

Lexi is so funny sometimes. She really "gets" things. Like.....things you'd think should fly over her 4 year old head, she understands. Here's an example. (I love this):

A couple nights ago, we got home and the girls (as usual) raced to the front door and (surprisingly) ran back to me fighting and crying. Lexi was sobbing and said "Jordyn is being a bucket dipper!!!".

"What??" I asked. What?

"Jordyn is being a bucket dipper!!!". For a moment I felt a little twilight-zone-ish. What the crap is a bucket dipper? I asked myself.

"Honey, Mommy doesn't know what that is....can you tell me?" I asked. She was saying it like I should know what she meant, but after racking my brain frantically, I still had no idea.

This frustrated her, but even through her tears, she explained "Mrs. Byrd teached us at pre-school about how someone can fill my bucket of happiness or dip into it and so Jordyn is being a BUCKET DIPPER by pushing me and hurting my feelings!!".

Oh my gosh.

(Is that deep for a four year old?)

I just smiled and gave her a hug and said "You are very right. Jordyn IS being a bucket dipper!".

Isn't that a great life-lesson to learn at pre-school? She proceeded to tell me more about it that night and the next day, giving me examples and all. She really gets it.

Way to go, Lexi! I have a new-and-improved analogy to teach these girls with!

Picture...and more about this here.


sosilly said...

I think that is the sweetest thing for her to remember. Having a big sister can be rather "bucket-dipping" at times! I would use that analogy too as an adult even.
Lexi is quiet yet deep.

Janessa Couch said...

Ohhh, I love that. I will use it with my girls. I can always use a new analogy to try and teach them.

Tara said...

wow, that is pretty deep. I want to use that with my kids. I like it, "bucket dipper". Thanks for the lesson Lexi Lou!!

Melvin and Carly said...

Wow. What a concept to understand. I know adults who can't grasp that one. Thanks for the lesson and the link.

britt said...

what a smart girl! I know Ame is constantly amazing me at the things she "just gets" too. It is also scary cuz she understand some things that, I would rather her not get quite yet!

Katie said...

I love that kids can teach US so much about life. Good job Lexi.

Carlotta said...

That is seriously AWESOME! I Love it. How great that she can express herself at such a young at. That is going to take her a long way in life to recognize how she is feeling and what others are making her feel. That is the best analogy I have seriously heard. That is two thumbs up for her teacher. Yeah for her for teaching her class that . I laughed so hard cause I could picture the whole situation going down and the look of complete confusion on your face. =)