Sunday, April 01, 2007

Weekend Highlights

Today we watched the semi-annual LDS General Conference, broadcasted from BYU-TV. So we got to stay at home for church today! It was great. We had our good friends Beth and Dane with their kiddos over, plus Lindy and we watched and listened as much of Conference as humanly possible with 7 children around! We made a yummy breakfast as well, so it was a fun morning

Another great highlight of the weekend - my mom invited Jordyn and Lexi to each have their own special overnighter with her. Jordyn went on Friday and Lexi had hers on Saturday. This was a big "first" for them, and Grandma sure made it fun! For example, here is an excerpt of my mom's email to me at the conclusion of her evening with Jordyn on Friday night: "Well, Jordyn and I have too much fun together so she didn't go to sleep until midnight. The only reason she went then is she hit her head on the wood when we were playing too much. So it took a bop to calm us down. Overnighters aren't suppose to be structured! She requested mac and cheese at 10 so I bounced up and made it. Of course she had already eaten a piece of pizza, corn puff cereal in the tub, and guzzled in 3 seconds her warm chocolate milk. After she finished the princess movie on my computer, she got to see a short Popeye the Sailor Man cartoon! The night was fun, we shall see what time we awake. She is a character, and the two of us make double fun. Good night, it's almost 1a.m." Isn't that great? I'm so glad the girls could make some fun memories. Thanks, Mom!

Peyton is slowly getting better at eating solids. She went from gagging like 10 times per feeding to only 1 or 2 times. She actually opens her mouth like a little baby bird for each bite now! I didn't say she keeps is IN her mouth, but she is anxious to try! (notice the bib - its prepping Peyton for HER overnighters with Grandma, ha ha).


Daytrippingmom Media said...
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Daytrippingmom Media said...

I think it's wonderful that the girls can have special sleepovers with Grandma. It looks like they have a great time and made great memories. It's something they will alway treasure. Mike and I were just chatting about your mom and what a great grandma she is. I think it's a great little tradition that has started. How fun!!

sorry posted twice

Unknown said...

Can I have an overnighter with grandma?