Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Oh Lexi

I love my Lexi and she, apparently, loves her "soccer mom" (oh yeah, that's me alright...). Oh my, this child certainly has her opinions (and ALWAYS has). So we were at Old Navy the other day and she saw this "I love my soccer mom" shirt on the sale rack and HAAADDD to have it. Now, I don't typically comply with every single desire Lexi has, but on this particular occasion, it was worth the $3.99 to avoid a huge melt-down. Little did I know that this would be the shirt she would insist on wearing EVERY day since we got it! What? Ugh. I have to hide it or throw it in the washer if I don't want her to wear it...and she will ONLY wear it with these pink capri's. Like I said, I love my little Lexi in spite of - or because of - her definite opinions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE that girl! She is so darn cute and irresitable! She just might shock you and start soccer the next season. YIKES!
Love, Grandma