Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Piano Recital

Jordyn had a small piano recital last night to celebrate finishing their first piano book for their course. She was great! She always gets extremely nervous and says she WON'T do it, but once she's up there, she plays great and has a big smile the whole time!

*For journaling purposes* she played two solos (Squirrels Lullaby and Tug-of-War), and they sang three group songs with actions (Mary Had a Little Lamb with solfege, Whale's Sneezes and American Kids).


Daytrippingmom Media said...

Wow. I can't believe she knows how to play and she is only 5!! Congratulation Jordyn you are very talented and such a cutie pie!!

Chris Grover said...

My mom and I were talking about this yesterday, how we can't believe she is only FIVE and playing the piano! I love the huge smile she has in this video -- soooo cute! And her hair is so long and beautiful! You guys must be REALLY proud! Good job, Jordyn!

Debbie said...

i am so impressed that she is 5 and playing the piano, that is awesome!

Allan and Diane said...

well I guess Jordyn is almost as amazing as her "soccer" mom. It is pretty incredible that a 'just 5' year old can read music and play. Grandma Pam must have burst all her buttons by now--and rightly so!!

Anonymous said...

It must be made know that Jordyn just turned 5 on April 5th. She started playing like a pro at age 4. That special girl, 3 months pre-mature at birth is gifted if I do say so myself.
Love, Proud Gma

Katie said...

Great job Jordyn! She did a great job! Keep it up!