Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Verdict is In

According to the ultrasound technician...and she's "pretty sure she's not wrong"... it's a GIRL! Can you believe it? I guess somehow we knew it deep down, but we still thought there was a 50/50 chance it could be a boy! But I'm starting to think there is some medical explanation that my family (me, my sisters and my mom) have 99% girls.

The baby seems healthy and normal, which is GREAT. But I have to admit I felt a little tiny bit of sadness. The only way I can explain it is that I'm NOT at all sad it's a girl, I'm just a little sad it's not a boy. It sounded fun to experiene something different. And since we're not sure if we'll have another one (even IF we do, it would be just one more), our chances of having a son are slimming down to almost none! Tucker could not hide his dissapointment. I have no fear that he'll love this little girl with the same devotion as the other two...I just think it's more the possibility of losing a dream he's always had...does that make sense?

Anyway, there's the (not so shocking) answer!! No more mystery (unless by some small chance the tech was wrong...does that even happen nowadays? We thought my sister was a boy till she came out, but that was 17 years ago. Hmmmm)


Anonymous said...

I am just dying to know! I can't wait!!!


Chris Grover said...

Oh boy! (Or oh girl!) The anticipation is killing me!

Chris Grover said...

I've been watching your site like a hawk waiting to hear! CONGRATS, you guys! Now, the next excitement will come from finding out what this one will look like! That's one thing you definitely cannot predict! I'm so happy for you both, and just think, when those sweet little girls get married someday in the distant future, you WILL get THREE sons! Thanks for sharing the news and once again, we are sooooo happy for you!

Jamie and Family said...

Congrats! Now what are you going to name her? 3 girls...how fun!


Unknown said...

Three girls- can't go wrong there! I loved growing up with three girls:) Just invest in hairspray and make-up. Tell Tucker that girls can play sports too! Thats something my dad never thought we could do???

Debbie said...

We know exactly how you feel. Only we keep hoping for that girl but just assume everytime its a boy! Its always a surprise to see what they look like though.

Eliza2006 said...

I forgot to mention...I LOVE the new look of your blog!


Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! We are so excited for you!!!