Today I had a couple hours alone with Jordyn. We ran an errand together. I don't have much one-on-one time with my kids. They act different when they are alone. It's a nice side to learn of them.
I asked Jordyn many questions on our outing. Trying to impart bits of wisdom here and there.
What do you like that our family does? And what do you wish we would do different?
"Hmmm, I like that we go to church together. And......I wish we would move".
Me: "Move?" (confused)
Jo: "Yeah, like so we can be closer to Nathan". (I was like okaaaaay..... Nathan lives right BEHIND us and is in her class....don't think we can get a whole lot closer than that!).
What friends do you feel most comfortable with at school?
Paige L, Paige C, Alyssa, Megan. Sometimes Madi and sometimes Emma....but they're also bossy.
We also discussed:
-her hot cheetos
-how she loves Mrs. Stone
-how easy she thinks it looks to drive a car
-what it means to be beautiful inside and out
-how to act when friends are mean/bossy
-that she needs to drink more water
-what to tell kids when they ask about the little red mole that's growing on her neck
Oh heaven help me Jo....I hope I do a good job being your mom! I get the feeling you need and WILL need more than I can possibly know how to give.
It is wonderful to enjoy those FEW one-on-one moments with our kids. You're right they don't happen to often, and it is fascinating to talk with them and learn from them!
So what does she tell kids about the little red mole? I'm guessing she's not as in love with it as Eliza is with hers...the night after she found it she woke up in the middle of the night, and so dreamily said, "I never had a beauty mark before".
Cute that you were able to do one on one time...they really are different by themselves.
It's cute to have those moments with her. I think you're a wonderful mom! Your last sentence is exactly how I feel.
Good luck with your career decisions. That's so much to worry about. It was interesting to read because we're on the corporate side of life and often think of trying the entrepreneur side of life, but we just aren't sure. Someday we might just take the plunge.
Totally different! I took Jake out the other day to get some shoes and socks for his baptism... He told me that he loved being with only me sometimes.He told me he was having so much fun and that we could go anywhere I wanted!(much different than usual.) He said he loves Millie but it's nice to not have to chase her around:) I vowed to plan more one on one time with him!
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