Sunday, April 18, 2010

Need a New Toothfairy

Anyone want to send us their toothfairy? Ours is not doing so hot lately. Our cute little Lexi lost a tooth just before school one morning (I loooooove when they just fall out, drama-free). So by the time the evening came, not only did the toothfairy forget to come.......but we also lost the little tooth!

The very next day, she lost another tooth (same drama-free way!). This time, the toothfairy pulled through! Guess she knew not to disappoint Lex two nights in a row. My mom said I had to leave our toothfairy notes in order for her to remember, so maybe we'll have to try that!

1 comment:

britt said...

We haven't had a visit from the toothfairy for a LONG time. Kaipo keeps asking when he is going to lose a tooth?!
Good thing YOUR toothfairy didn't forget twice in a row!!