Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Getting Ready for Pics!

My mom has a tradition of coordinating Easter outfits for the grandkids. She did another fantastic job this year and it was extra special because Alyson was here so it was all six of the grandkids! Here is some of the pre-pic mayhem. Luckily our photographer met us at a part only 1 minute away, so it was fairly quick and painless once we got there! But the preparation can be a little stressful timing and managing it all!


Unknown said...

I actually took all FOUR of my kids to get their pictures together last week. Luckily the photographer was my step sister- it was so stressful. I try to have low expectations with the ages of my kids- I mean how can a 2 year old and 6month old be expected to cooperate. Who knows if even one turned out- oh well. Hope yours were cute, love the dresses.

britt said...

How fun!! But I can only imagine the stress to try and get ALL those girls ready?! cute dresses!