Sometimes I wait to blog until I have formed some sort of concise subject matter....or maybe an "event" with photos to boot. But most of the time, my mind is an ocean of thoughts that are so random and constant....I can't tell where one ends and another begins! So don't be fooled by the conciseness of my blog! It is a very edited snapshot of my brain/life! ha ha
I'm having the hardest time believing that I've got three days left until I'm a certified teacher. When I started this process 20 months ago, I had no idea what it really took to get credentialed in California. It's pretty intense and there have been several times I've thought there was "no way" I could really complete it. Yet here I am! It is incredible, really. And it's a true example of how we can do anything we put our mind to.
There have been so many times in life when I have felt similar feelings of "can I actually endure this?". Like.......high school.............and then many MANY times during college when it was midnight before a 15 page paper was due and I was just starting it................ and undoubtedly during my three pregnancies.................. or during the very most challenging of life's trials........... and now during my student teaching. Times where it is an absolute spiritual/mental/emotional growing pain. Where I can tangibly feel the choice between personal growth or personal break-down. And it really is a choice. Tiny, tiny baby steps of choice. It really is the old addage "how do you eat an elephant?", one bite at a time of course.
That is how I've made it through. One bite at a time. And lots of support from my family. The people around me have made me feel like I can do it. So even when I've felt like I can't....knowing they know I can makes me press forward.
So in three days, summer vacation will begin. It will be filled with dance recitals, swim meets, Watch Me Draw classes, trip to UT, lots of swimming at my mom and dad's, and hopefully some sleep! I will get to wake up and not have to say good-bye to my kids right away. I'll get to be around them so much again that I'm sure I'll even need a break here and there! No school for all of us will surely change the dynamic of our days! I'm so thankful to have the challenge and blessing of being the mommy to these three girls. On a daily basis, I feel overwhelmed at the responsibility of taking GOOD care of them both now and the future. But.........I'm still thankful and completely in love with them.
Life is GOOD! And if I've learned anything so far in my 32 years, it's this: good does not equal easy!
Jamie, I soo admire you and am proud of you for all that you have accomplished. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been, and how many times you may have felt like giving up. But YOU DID IT and you should be sooo incredibly proud of yourself!!! You have done something that most mothers wouldn't even attempt. I hope after these last few days you have some relaxing fun and just non scheduled time to do whatever you want! Well maybe not WHATEVER, but close :) I have always admired you for your ambition, drive and determination, and you have just set set the standards a lot higher!
way to go my friend!!
I can totally relate to wondering if you really can endure. I have been feeling like that so much lately. I just have to keep telling myself only 6 more months, only 6 more months..... but then I remember that after school I have the task of finding a job and even more importantly a job that I LOVE. It is all feeling a little never ending right now. I guess that when we finish one thing, the next thing just roles right in. One things gets easier and then another thing gets harder. Hopefully we will get to see you on one of your trips out this summer, and that Ava will actually be in town :)
Not only did you do it, but you did it turbo speed. And I know you did an amazing job! I am sooo incredibly proud of you, and admire what you have accomplished. I'm also of the thinking that you are the kind of person capable of absolutley anything in this world you wanted to do.
You are such a fantastic mother, honestly, you are incredible! I like what you said about life, I need to tell myself that every day. :)
btw - wed next week is our only busy day, we are just hanging out ALLLLLL week. :) I think I'm going to try and get a tan. ;)
May I add my HUGE congratulations! I have read of your challenges, advenures and ACHIEVEMENTS during the past year with great admiration. I KNOW how difficult that road was for you, but you did it and in a very commendable way. Your family was blessed and WILL continue to be blessed for your determination. You are a remarkable mother, wife and woman of character and faith.
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