Tuesday, February 01, 2011


I hope to never let myself completely slack on thinking of others.  It certainly gets harder as life gets busier, but I believe it is the key to life and happiness.  Becoming selfish and wallowed up in my own woes will never get me anywhere but depressed.  Thank heavens I feel much better today in that arena!  PMS throws me for a definitely loop for a couple days and it’s like my brain gets replaced with a really yucky, distorted one.  (Thanks for your reminders and encouragement!)


Anyway, I appreciate reminders of this important concept when I see other’s compassion in action (I like that “Compassion in Action”).  Since Tucker has been gone a lot traveling (oh yeah…AND being scout master), I’m sort of “it” around here for all activities kid-related.  I’m so thankful to be ABLE to do this.  But it can have it’s draining moments.  One of my friends in the ward, Jonia Nelson, emailed me a few weeks ago (on one of Tucker’s longer travels) and offered to take the girls to the High School basketball game for a few hours (her youngest daughter Alisa is a cheerleader, and she knew they would especially love that). 


At first I thought it was a really nice offer…but wasn’t going to take her up on it.  That was Monday.  But by Thursday of that week, I was actually more than happy to take her up on that offer!  That couple hours of quiet, alone time at home was JUST what I needed.  And the girls had a good time!  I wasn’t sure how they’d be…too shy?  too wild?  uncomfortable?  fighting?  mute?  But they warmed up just fine and ended up having a fun night out. Jonia was even kind enough to snap some pictures for me.  Time to pay it forward now, right?


 1.2011 Girls with Alisa Nelson 5 1.2011 Girls with Alisa Nelson 6 1.2011 Girls with Alisa Nelson 1.2011 Girls with the Nelsons

1 comment:

Janessa Couch said...

What a sweet friend!