Saturday, February 05, 2011

Jordyn's Spontaneous Service

About two weeks ago, we were doing Saturday morning chores. Tucker was on a scout camp-out, so I was doing my best to keep the girls motivated on their chore lists.

I made a comment out loud mumbling something about how messy my room was and how much work I had to do in it.

About one minute later, Jordyn went in my room and shut the door and said "Mom, don't come in here. But don't worry, I'm still working".

And I caught myself in time to stop my come-do-your-chores nag and clue into the fact that she had a surprise up her sleeve for me. I hadn't even realized she'd heard my mumble.

She was literally in there for at LEAST an hour. When she emerged and told me to close my eyes as she led me to my room, I was so curious what in the world she could have possibly done to make sense of the mess that had been in there? I love how proud she felt and how she beamed as she grabbed my hand. I knew that no matter what, I had to LOVE the results.

When she opened the door, it was definitely cleaner. Not "mom clean", but great for an 8 year old! She gave me a tour and showed me the details she'd focused on. She detailed Tucker's clothing valet (it has a messy drawer in it), she hung up my clothing and cleaned our closet. She stacked papers and even left little notes around the room.

What a sweet and thoughtful girl. I felt so happy that she wanted to lift my burden. She found great satisfaction in her service that day and that definitely makes a momma's heart smile :-)



Jeannine and Neal said...

What a wonderful experience! Those are the moments that make motherhood all worthwhile. Just think how Jordyn felt while doing her act of service. Thank you for sharing this experience. It lifts my heart as well - Love, Jeannine

britt said...

that is a sweet surprise! Ame and Kaipo do things like that for me on occasion. It is sure to make a mother proud!!