Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our “Firsts”

Tucker’s first day of MBT.  Now its been two whole weeks and he really likes it.  His brain is hurting from learning so much (SOOO MUCH) new information.  But he feels excited, challenged and valued.  It is causing a huge shift in adjustment around here though.  My flexibility is LONG GONE.  Since he has been working from home for 18 months, we’ve tag-teamed a lot.  Now, he’s gone from 7:30-6:30 M-F.  Big difference!  But a steady paycheck feels worth it now. 




I tried to color code binders.  I’m trying to figure out when I’ll have the time to read ALL of this!  Seriously.  And speaking of Tucker being gone more…I’m so busy running around!  This challenge feels harder now, but I’m determined. 

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Taking off for my first day of school at San Francisco State University!

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Well, I had a head cold which wiped me out.  I drove 7 hours, sat in class for six, froze my butt off because I dropped my jacket somewhere on campus and didn’t realize till I was in class (and it’s always cold in SF).  Broke my back walking around campus with ALL these books (luckily teachers said we don’t have to bring them to class).  And felt really old with all the skinny-jean-wearers and total 80’s style fashion while I was wearing my boot cut jeans and realized yet again that I’m definitely not 20 anymore!


I loved my classes though!  I have great professors who really care about what they are teaching.  I spent 45 minutes walking with a partner taking turns being “blind” and leading the “blind”.  Very insightful!  Tomorrow I get to have lecture from an Opthomologist.  We’re just diving into this new world and although GETTING there isn’t easy, once I was there I was really glad.  Let’s hope that continues.  I found it interesting that there are THREE blind people in my program.  I wonder how that works? 


On the way home I took a different route that used more freeway.  It felt safer at such a late hour.  Left San Fran at 10pm and got home about 1:30.  But on this route I had to cross the Bay Bridge.  Not to sound wimpy, but the whole time I was thinking “how is it humanly possible to build a 7 mile, safe bridge?”.  It freaked me out a bit.  And I was extra tired because of my head cold so I ate a disgusting amount of food to stay awake.  Two tacos, a large Pepsi, donuts, chips, and I’m sure more. 

I could not do this without my mom and dad who are taking Peyton on Mondays, and getting the girls after school and keeping them until Tucker gets home.   That is a LOT of work, and I am forever indebted and grateful that they are so willing to help me in this scary endeavor!


Unknown said...

I feel tired just reading this. I don't know how you have the energy for it. Amazing- I am so happy for Tucker! That is a great blessing. By the way- you do look like a hip young chick:)

Tabitha said...

I just have to say it will all be worth it one day! It sucks that we all decide to take different paths when we are much older! I wish I would have figured out everything when I didn't have kids and a husband to worry about! Good luck! You guys are doing good things! Brad is going back to school full time.. It is very much a weird feeling for everyone!

Janessa Couch said...

Wow, your post just wore me out. That drive to SF is not easy but good for you for going after your dreams like that. You look so gorgeous by the way! Love your hair and your cute little sidekick.

Jeannine and Neal said...

Tell Tucker he looks mighty handsome and his wife is looking just like a college coed!

britt said...

I too was thinking (as Katie) that you looked CUTE and YOUNG! And I feel like I have nothing to complain about as I start school next month, cuz I DO NOT have to travel anywhere! But maybe it is easier to GET AWAY for school. When you're home everyone thinks you are available, at least thats how it is with quinn working from home! Good Luck as you continue.
YOU ARE AMAZING!! YOU can do it!!!

Paula H said...

As I told you before, you are Superwoman and an inspiration.

K Western said...

I haven't been in blogland for a while and felt like I missed out on all your posts. I had to catch up on all of them.
Congrats on Tucker's new job!! What a blessing. All your feelings to stay put and stay calm were right.
Good luck with your schooling. It sounds like a lot of work, but you'll be grateful for it in the future. I agree with the other posts, you look so young and hip. And I feel so frumpy right now.
Jordyn's hair cute looks so cute!
You'll have to let us know how the reward and consequence jars are working. I'm always trying to find out a simple way to keep things working at home, but I think no matter what I choose, I'm going to have to work at it.
About your medication, I'm so glad you found something that is working! Reading your thoughts about how you felt sounded so sad. I know I have depressing days, but to have them day after day would be too much for me.