For some reason, the day I got this email was not a good day, and it overwhelmed me. It made me want to run and hide. Not at ALL because I'm ashamed of what I believe, but because I'm not -and never have been - a person who likes to debate or defend something in which I believe. So, I struggled with how to respond without getting defensive. Thankfully, feedback from Beth and my Mom really helped me respond with the right tone.
(My responses are in blue after each paragraph)
You have been weighing on my mind, heavy, and then I read your post about death around you and I couldn't sit here and not reach out. I keep thinking our paths will cross and time for conversation will happen but with all the amazing things you are doing right now and my sporadic schedule I just don't see it happening. Thank you for reaching out. That is very thoughtful of you.
So I'm just gonna come out and tell you...I had a pretty intense dream about you back in July and have been praying ever since. I don't put much into dreams usually but there was so much surrounding it and what I experienced after it that I can't shake feeling purpose and meaning in it.
Those kind of dreams really stay with you. I have experienced such feelings after a very specific dream. Sometimes you know the meaning and sometimes it just leaves you with a feeling.
As you might already know I put a lot into faith and respect each person's belief system, I have to be honest for quite awhile I did not know that you were Mormon and was surprised when I found that out and so have tiptoed around the subject since.
And here's where emailing can cause division through misunderstanding so let me side note a minute, I don't have an issue with having friends from other faiths and belief systems. We are all people trying to live our lives the best we can and we all should be able to see that commonality in each other and love each other fully because of that!
I appreciate your respect for my beliefs. I feel the same mutual respect for all religions. You are so right in that we are all trying to fully love God, our neighbors, and ourselves.
It is best to communicate rather than draw conclusions when it comes to friends so I'm happy you felt you could share your feelings with me.
But let me give you a little history so you can understand my perspective, I worked for a Mormon family for a short time, I adored them and was deeply jealous of their sense of family. This was during a very lost time in my life. We parted on good terms and so when I began my search for what was missing in my life I started to study religion searching for truth. I looked deeply into many belief systems, the Mormon faith included, and finally in the end narrowed it down to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Bible because I believe that, it is not what we are on the outside and the works that we do, as modeled by the family I worked for, it's about being carried thru this fallen world by a power bigger then us and being forgiven when we don't deserve it.
Thank you for sharing your history with me. I think we all have our story to share and that can give us more compassion for one another.
I don't know how I would make it through my trials and tribulation without being carried by God! I have many family members who are Mormon...and just as many who are not. And the same with friends. Many of my closest friends are of different religions and I love the common grounds we can share as well as the faith-building experiences that bring us all closer to Christ. One of my nephews is studying to be a Pastor and we have had hours and hours of uplifting conversation about both our differences as well as our love for God.
I am not trying to evangelize you! I am just wanting you to know where I come from. In my studies I learned alot about Mormon theology and I have a very close friend who was raised Mormon and left and has shared her experience with me, and obviously that is not the faith I chose. As a result I have to work at not coming off arrogant and offending my friends, which I am not sure I am succeeding at in this email right now.
I have been exposed to those who have left their religions for many reasons also. You are not offending me at all. I have family members who have left the LDS church and I always pray for them to find their own way to have a relationship with God, regardless of which body of religion (if any) brings them there. Although I am opposed to hard-core religious debates or bashing, I am a proponent of communicating and sharing feelings (like this), experiences and even beliefs as this can knock down walls and pave ways for true friendships.
So what is my point, well, I know that God has you right in the middle of His heart and He has put me along side you for a season and there
is purpose in that.
I too can testify that God does indeed have me and all of us in his heart.
Faith-filled friends are so important. To lift and to edify in the name of Jesus Christ is what true friends do for each other. I have always appreciated feeling your conviction in Christ.
When I am around you I sense you know there is more to us and this place then what we tap into and that you are striving to find it. I sense your need for peace and for love and I see that you are right on the edge of knowing both. And I want to encourage you and strengthen you as you walk thru being a wife, a mother, a student, a juggler :)!
Yes, I definitely believe we as mortals don't tap into enough of the divine. I believe, as children of God, we are worthy of so much more than we realize. I try hard to remember this when I am "juggling" all of my duties! :-) During my most difficult times, I have absolutely turned to God to lift me, carry me and sustain me. We are always in need of His peace, grace and love. He is strong when we are weak. It is only through Jesus Christ who gives us the strength to be carried through life's ups and downs.
I just want you to know I am a friend and that I care deeply about you but that I am walking gently out of fear of causing division.
"Perfect love casts out fear." There is nothing that divides friendship when love abides. I, too, would not want division and don't think there will be. I think its great to openly share feelings and thoughts. Especially because I value Olivia as a friend for Jordyn. She is a top pick for me as far as being an authentic person for Jordyn to have a friendship with.
There has been times I have wanted to invite you to things that come out of my faith and have not done that and honestly don't know why. Maybe fear of rejection :). Anyways, all I really wanted to say was we celebrate a time called the Feast of Tabernacles (a Jewish feast) in our home. We started last year and it was incredible. It is a week long celebration of fellowship and joy. It is meant to be a time to celebrate the second coming of Christ which we take time to teach each night and it is heavily steeped in the power of the Holy Spirit, however it truly is a great time of family togetherness and love and joy and food! I want to invite your family to come if you would like too. The first night is Sept. 22 and it goes every night till Sept 29 it is our Christmas celebration in a sense. The teaching is in the beginning of the night so if you wanted to skip that and just come for the food and fellowship that would be fine. The start time will probably be about 6:30 and we hope to be eating by 7. I make a main dish each nite and ask that each family bring a side dish. We don't need to know ahead of time just show up.
That sounds like a wonderful spiritual tradition for your family! Thank you so much for thinking of our family to share this fellowship with.
We also have spiritual traditions and celebrations that we use to strengthen our families and our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ so I can appreciate this celebration. And I can relate to the "fear of rejection" when reaching out. ;-) I will let you know if we are able to make any of the evenings that week. Do kids come?
So I hope you followed me in this email, I truly have anxiety about people's different beliefs and honestly don't want to step on toes. I am just driven by the work that has happened in me and want to share it. I want victory and strength every woman's heart and all I know is what I have experienced
Thank you so much Channie. You are not stepping on my toes at all. I can feel your sincerity. I have also had many experiences where my heart has been touched by the Holy Spirit and the divinity of my roll as a wife and mother.
You are a kind friend! I truly do appreciate your honesty and willingness to share. It means a lot to me.
(Her response to my response)
Hi Jamie,Thank you so much for your response, it was very thoughtful! Glad to know I can communicate freely with you, very refreshing.I appreciate Jordyn and Olivia's friendship as well, it is very hard in this world to find children who aren't caught up in a very adult world with adult attitudes. I work hard to keep my children as innocent to the world as I can and appreciate parents like yourself that seem to do the same.
As for the faith issue, your perspective is, again, refreshing! Thank you for your honesty. The Feast of Tabernacles will start on the 23rd not the 22nd. We will start at 6:30 and yes kids come! We had more children then adults most of the time last year. We are hoping to really make this year a celebration! I truly appreciate your friendship, you have been ready to help me when I have needed that and am thankful for that!
I have not been working and won't be for a couple weeks if you need any help with the girls while you are carrying a busy schedule I am available. I pray that the world around you is getting a little more joyful and that those that have experienced tragedy are being carried thru this time. Take care and hope to see you again before swim season starts :)! Channie
That was very interesting! Your responses were very thoughtful and came across very considerate. I think living in Utah shelters us too much from experiences like this one. I am curious to know if you will take her up on her offer?!
Jamie: You are a woman of great wisdom and understanding. Beautiful and inspired responses to your friend. Love, Jeannine
Thanks, girls, for the affirmations, but I have to admit that my mom wrote 90% of this response! I sent it to her saying "Moooom, what do I say" and she gave me suggestions which I liked so much that I used many word-for-word. So she is definitely the wise one in this situation! And taught me how to handle it: relate to my friend, not defend myself.
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