Thursday, September 30, 2010

Any Ol' Thursday

This morning my car wouldn't start. Thank goodness Tucker had already taken the girls to school! Pey and I were supposed to be on our way to a school to pick up our Watch Me Draw registrations and then on to Harmony. But the car had other plans for I called my dad. How nice of him to appear on my porch in 5 minutes to help! He jumped my car, followed me to the mechanic and let me borrow his (again, how nice of him!). Come to find out we need a new alternator.

So we made it just for the end of Harmony and then I went to get my hair done. Haven't had it colored or highlighted since the beginning of the year, so I was definitely ready. There is a girl at Trinkets who does hair, so we are trading services with each other! Trading is great.

Lindy had Pey, so when I was done I ran to pick up Lyric from school. (Again, trading is awesome!) Had Pax and Ly come play for a couple hours since Thursdays are a pretty low-key afternoon for us. Paxton is so funny and SUUUUUUCCCHHH a boy. It's so fun to have him around because he really adds spice to our girl dynamic. Lately, the second he arrives at my house, he goes straight to my hall closet and gets both extensions to my vacuum hose. He puts them together and they become whatever he imagines them to be. Usually a sword or gun. We've had to hide them from him because he gets a bit violent, but he did a great job today keeping it in control. I reminded him that he is welcome to hit the couch or the bed, but not the other kids ;-)

Just before Mike was getting ready to pick them up, I was walking down the hallway and looked down in time to see that I was about to step on a toy. Or....what I thought was a toy until I saw it move. I moved my foot just in time to miss a huge, tail-less lizard! SIIIICK! Haven't had a lizard in the house since I lived in Hawaii and we had gecko-roomates all over the place. I'm sure it was a gift from our loving kitty, but this one wasn't dead! I was so scared of it running up my leg, so I just waited and watched it until Mike came and I made him catch it for me. I don't think he was very excited about it, but he did it!

Tucker was at an MBT sponsored golf tournament and dinner in Fresno (poor guy, huh?) and wasn't home yet so I was slaving over a healthy dinner with choice of Ramen Noodles or canned Chicken Noodle Soup. Pey was sort of grumpy, so I heard her and Lexi having a conversation at the table. Peyton loudly says "I'm nervous at you Lexi, don't talk to me!". Then I hear Lexi (who still takes Pey pretty literally) ask a few times, "Why are you nervous to talk to me Pey?". I started trying to say "Lexi, she is mixing up her words and probably means frustrated", but instead I started laughing hysterically. Pey seriously keeps us all laughing all the time.

All the while I'm painting, blinging, crafting, refereeing, helping with homework, listening to Lexi read her A.R. book, helping Jordyn create a powerpoint (she is learning that in class), etc. But no cleaning, laundry or my own homework. It will always be there tomorrow, right? It was a good day.

1 comment:

Jeannine and Neal said...

I was glad to see your post. I've missed your messages. I know you are so very busy these days with school, family and church. Have a nice conference weekend. Love ya