Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This n That


Double date with our neighbor friends, Al and Jenn, for Al’s 27th birthday.



Jordyn’s good friend Emma Koon’s 8th birthday party was a “Hollywood Red Carpet” theme.  So I converted a tank top (I’ve never worn, inherited from a friend!) into a dress for her and she was all glammed up!

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And this edible baby!  Kylee is definitely one of the very cutest babies I’ve ever seen!  People ask me all the time if having her around makes me baby hungry.  I guess my mind is in such a different place right now…so the answer is “no”, at least not hungry for my own.  I mean, I often feel really sad that my kids are getting so big, but that doesn’t necessarily translate into having another baby to cover up that feeling.  That being said, I sure love having Kylee around to snuggle and rock and talk to.  I have never ever met a baby who “talks” as much as she does.  She intently stares into your face and curls up her lips and just talks and talks!  So adorable.  And my girls love her so much.  Jordyn would be happy to hold her for hours.  Babies are definitely sweet!



Tabitha said...

That is so funny! She looks so old! little miss sassy pants!

Jeannine and Neal said...

Oh my gosh! Jordyn Lyn is growing up so fast. I love the outfit you created for her. I wish I had your imagination. Tell Jordyn she looked just dashing! A real movie star! Love, Gam