Saturday, August 14, 2010

Graduate Essay Test

Today was my first day on the San Francisco State University campus. And truth be told, I kept wondering "what the heck have I gotten myself into?".

I left at 8:30 this morning. My wonderful mother came over to be with the girls, and then she and my dad spent the entire day entertaining them (thank you!). I had to drive up there to take a test called the Graduate Essay Test. Having to be there by 1:00, I gave myself extra time and arrived at noon. Hungry and hoping to find somewhere to eat, I quickly realized I was very disoriented. San Francisco is NOT like the rural area in which I live (duh!).

Hungry or not, I found parking just in time to walk to the building and check-in for the test. Luckily I had a granola bar on me! As I as walking, I realized how out-of-place I felt on a big, strange campus. Although I've completed lots of schooling recently for my teaching credential, it was mostly online or in elementary schools. It's been 10 years since I've attended an actual University. I felt old and nervous! It was also freezing... 60's as opposed to 100+ weather.

The goal of the test was to prove I have graduate level writing skills. If they read my essay and confer that I don't , then they will provide additional help. I think I'll be okay. I had to write a persuasive essay on the BPA issue in consumer goods. I think I did alright.

Anyway, I was very grateful for the book on CD that my mom lent me for the drive. It's called "Excuses Begone" by Dr. Wayne Dyer. WOW! It is SOOOOOO empowering. What a great book. I completely recommend it if you feel stuck in any aspect of your life, or if you struggle with achieving your fullest potential. Or really....for anyone at all. There are very empowering philosophies and it was aligned perfectly to soothe my fears as I was driving up to SF. Wondering what the heck I'm doing and if I'm making the right choice. It reminded me that "I can do hard things". Which is my motto and I tell myself this all the time.

Here are some cell phone pics of my afternoon. 8 hours of driving, three hours of testing. Long day!


Eliza2006 said...

Good for you! I'm sure it's scary. It's even weird when I have to take a class at the U! You'll blink your eyes and you'll be done!

britt said...

I think I need to read that book or listen to it! YOU motivate to do more and are such an awesome example of so many incredible things.
Good Luck on this new adventure!!

K Western said...

Wow! What a long day. And way to go! I wish you the best in this next chapter of your life.
BTW, I checked out Windows Writer and LOVE it! So much easier and quicker! Thank you!!!

Shana and Derek said...

Welcome to SF Jamie! She is a foreign land, but you will grow to lover her. And I'm super excited to have you close by.

Carlotta said...

Well, it looks like you and I are going back to school together. LOL, except you've been more recent then I have. As excited as I am, I read the information for my classes in hopes that I am understanding it correctly. It's a good thing I am computer literate otherwise I would definitely have to be doing it in the classroom. I am excited to be doing a majority of my classes online. Glad I don't have to drive that far for my classes :)

Beth said...

Wow! This is huge. You are going to do great.