Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Evolution of the Palm Phone…thus far



Tucker just got his fourth Palm phone.  He is brand loyal and loves lots of the functionality of the Palm.  Although everyone and their brother claims to prefer the iPhone, he ultimately chose this.  These four phones might span approximately 6 years.


I still have my first cell phone from 1997.  When I turned 20, I got my first cell phone.  I paid 200 for the contract, then $40 per month for 400 minutes (which I always went over because everyone used my cell since hardly any of my friends had one).


A few years later, when Tucker and I were dating, I remember when we first had the functionality to text.  We had to actually call an operator, tell them what to type and they would send it to the recipient!  Isn’t that funny!  I wonder where we’ll be in another 10 years!

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