Saturday, August 07, 2010

Riding a Bike!

Poor, neglected second child.  Lexi has been cheated out of learning to ride a two-wheel bike.  We’ve done a tiny bit here and there, but nothing consistent.  I’d love to blame it on our REALLY hot heat, but that’s really no excuse.  She’s 6 1/2 and could’ve mastered it sooner.  Oh well.  I think I was about that same age?  Maybe even 7, so it’s okay.  But she just learned the other day officially…and it took her like three minutes.  She mastered it and has been going up and down our street over and over (even when it’s 100+ degrees).  Tucker is a really good and thorough teacher.  He taught her how to stop, how to watch for cars, how to slow down, how to start, how to watch straight ahead…just all the important details that sometimes you forget once it becomes second-nature.  Way to go Lex!  Now we’ve just got to get you your own bike!


(isn’t she cute?)

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K Western said...

Boy, I feel like I just saw you, but there's tons to read on your blog.
Congrats to Lexi on her new bike riding skills! And Happy Birthday to your Mom. Looks like it was a fun family celebration.
I'm always so impressed with all your creations. I wish I had an ounce of your talent.
Yeah for Jordyn making pizza! Is that Beth's recipe? If so, it looks delicious! I think I'll have to see if Ashlyn wants to make it for one of her goals. We've been talking about it but haven't decided what to cook.
Your Utah trip looked like a lot was packed in but a lot of good memories. It was so good to see you!

britt said...

Way to go Lexi!!