Sunday, August 01, 2010


I am typically able to balance eating healthy with some junk sprinkled around it. I seem to have a fairly good internal barometer that says "STOP", when I'm crossing the line. Well...most of the time.

But not the past few days.

I feel disgusting, yet I cannot stop eating carbs. In particular, Texas Chocolate Sheetcake I made for my mom's bday yesterday, chips (of any kind) and Pepsi. It's total self-sabotage right now. And after just a few days of that, my clothes aren't fitting right.

I'm sure it's all connected to emotions, or hormones, or stress, or all of the above. At least I did eat an apple today in the midst of my carbs, right? Doesn't that balance it out? Got. To. Stop!


Tabitha said...

I feel ya sista! I am a carb LOVER!

britt said...

I have had the same CARB trouble lately. I just have felt BLAH and need to find a balance as well! Glad I am not feeling alone in this area :)