Thursday, August 05, 2010

MMR Vaccine for ME

DSC00508One of the requirements of my Master’s program is to show proof of an MMR vaccine. I don’t know about most of my peers, but I don’t readily know where proof of ANY of my immunizations are. SO today I had to go in for an MMR vaccine.

While there, he convinced me of the importance of a pertussis vaccine (mixed with tetanus). Ouch!

It’s been a while since I’ve been to a regular MD. Seems like my OB was my primary doc for so many years….and now that’s just once a year. He also reminded me that I should have bloodwork done every couple of years, so he gave me a prescription for that. Always good to be on top of that sort of thing! I think of the importance of that often regarding Tucker since his mom was diagnosed with Leukemia at 39 (he is almost 38) and his Uncle also died of Cancer a few years ago. His risks are higher. (Life is so fragile!)


Unknown said...

I had to get a tetnus shot when Luka was born- it hurt worse than giving birth. My arm was sore for weeks!

Beth said...

It really does hurt. I remember I got one before going into the mtc. couldn't sleep on my arm for awhile. Not fun. but your all ready now.

Anonymous said...

wow that is serious business for school to get shots!