Monday, May 31, 2010

Graphic Design

I spend a lot of time on the computer and it's a real struggle to balance that. To my kids, it just looks like I'm staring at a screen. But I'm always working in some way, shape or form...on several different things at once!

Lately, it's been a ton of designing stuff. Just random, different...STUFF. Graduation announcements, tons 0f signs for Trinkets and Treasures, hand-outs for Watch Me Draw, company logos (for friends) and decorating friends houses.

I LOOOVE Adobe Photoshop and am happy to spend lots and lots of time using it. Love it. But I don't love my kids to see me sit on the computer a lot. So I try to cram it in when they aren't around or are sleeping.

I have a hard time saying no because I genuinely love doing it. And if I could pick a profession, I would be a graphic designer (one may ask...then why are you a teacher? I don't know. Practicality?). But at some point, unless I can find a way to make a minute longer than 60 seconds.....OR afford to get a new computer so I can work faster....I may have to learn to say no. Or to charge more money (or charge at all) for the time I spend designing all of this...stuff!

Here are just a few things I've done recently....


K Western said...

You are so talented! I am just barely learning photoshop, but there is so much more to learn. Finding the time to do it is so hard. Yes, I could spend all day on the computer, too, but I hate having my kids see me like that. It can be so addicting.

Chris Grover said...

wow, jamie, that is soooo impressive! really, you have such an eye for design the really amazing part is that you can get what's in your mind to come out looking so good on the screen! you really should charge for your work -- it's for sure on a professional level! i wish you lived closer because i would pay you a pretty penny to teach me photoshop. i am terrified of it and have never had any guidance to make an attempt at it! you've definitely got it figured out! great job!!