Sunday, May 09, 2010

Turning 33

Last week I had my 33rd birthday. Its so wierd how, as each year passes, I identify less and less with my age. I now understand more the saying "age is just a number". But for a person's initial 25 years, age is SUCH a part of your identity. SO it's strange to transition into it not mattering how old you are.

I am happy to be 33. I have experienced a lot, yet I know I have so much more to experience. I feel sad when I think of people who have not had the chance to live beyond a young age such as this. Tucker's mom, for example. I picture how it must have felt to be dying at the age of 40...leaving behind 5 small children. Feeling like there is SO much of life she had yet to experience! I don't doubt for a second that the peace and joy she experienced as she was welcomed back into the arms of our Savior...that she immediately understood the "whys" of it all. But as a mortal, I would feel sad to leave so much left "undone".

I look forward to years with my children. I look forward to teaching them, traveling with them and sharing the ups and downs with them. I look forward to defining my career path and finishing my Master's. I look forward to getting more in shape. I look forward to going on exotic vacations. I look forward to summer vacations. I look forward to learning new talents and getting to know myself better. I look forward to more memories with dear friends. I have so much to look forward to and I never want to stop feeling that way because it's what keeps you feeling young, I think.

For my birthday, I felt loved. I had a fun day. I requested lunch and a pedicure with my mom and sisters....and that's exactly what I got! It was a rare and enjoyable afternoon. I also got a night out with Tucker, thanks to my neighbor Jenn. Lots of calls, emails, and birthday wishes...and of course chocolate covered strawberries from Rocky Mountain. Thank you!!


Unknown said...

Hope you got my card. Sounds like a fun day. Have a great anniversary today! TEN YEARS-

I was thinking yesterday on Mother's Day that we were together last year on Mother's day at the beach. That was so fun.

Love ya

K Western said...

Looks like you had a great birthday. I love the girls' day out and all the pampering. Happy Birthday!