Thursday, May 27, 2010

Girls' Trip!!

Last week, I did something for the first time. I flew to Utah to spend a one-night get-away with my Mother-in-law Jeannine and sister-in-laws Annie, Maren (plus 2 week old baby Boston!) and Lyndsy (missed Mindy). It was GREAT!

(My camera took horrible pics all weekend. I need a new one so bad.)

We see each other a few times per year, but there are usually 17 children around us. Makes for near-impossible conversation. So to spend 24 quiet hours together simply talking, eating, shopping and just enjoying each others company was priceless!

We ate dinner at Ruby Tuesdays in Park City, and then set up camp in a three bedroom condo for the night. Lyndsy is our family Aestitician (well, and professionally) and is ALWAYS willing to give everyone pedicures (soooo nice!). So we watched the movie Valentines Day while we were spoiled with her pedicures.

The next morning, after leisurely getting ready, we went to lunch at Loco Lizard in Park City (YUUUMMMMMMM). And then shopped at the outlets for HOURS!

It was so fun to just talk and catch up and just spend uninterrupted time together. I love each of these women so much and my life is better because they are in it.




Unknown said...

Sounds fun- Love loco lizard- LOVE it.

britt said...

what a fun idea! I am sure you had a wonderful time, kids free!!

Janessa Couch said...

The pedicure looks SO relaxing! What a fun girl get away! The baby in the pictures is adorable.