Friday, May 15, 2009

Growing Pains

Stormie and I helping sell See's Candy bars at the Clay School Car Show

Making posters for the Car Show

When Mrs. Scomona and I were planning for the last month of school, she asked if I'd rather plan the remaining History or Reading units (I'm already doing the Math). Before I knew it, I was answering with "Well, I should probably do the History since it's my worst subject...". I would have rather taught Reading 1 million times over History!! I could not believe what I was saying!

As I've pondered this choice, I think I knew - deep down - that I needed the "growth". I wish I could put into words how hard History has always been for me. All the names and dates just jumble together for me and it's a big ol' mess. So, teaching three weeks worth of Ancient Hebrew/Israel, Greece and Rome was a literal nightmare to me!!!

Teaching it meant that I had to actually understant what I was teaching!! So before I could teach them, I had to teach mySELF!! I just completed my week on Ancient Americas and Ancient Hebrew/Israel and can tell that I've benefited from the growing pains! I forced myself to conquer something very uncomfortable to me....and I will even admit that I *sort of* liked what I learned. I've covered from about 2000 BC up until 68 BC. I felt determined to teach it to them in such a way that, if possible, they would not feel all jumbled and confused about History like I always was. I think it worked. Its a fine balance between giving them the right amount of information, keep them interested, present it in a dynamic way and then assess their knowledge on it afterward in a way that is challenging yet not overboard. Whew!

As challenging as this entire semester has been for me and my family, I feel that I am a better person for it. I've really enjoyed it. And I really feel like I've been placed where I was "supposed" to be. My current master teacher (which feels funn to call her because she has become a friend to me now) just found out that she is pregnant after a couple years of trying! She is so thrilled and is so thankful that I'm here right now. Before I came, her dad had just been diagnosed with cancer and life was hitting a peak of stress for her. She thought the principal was crazy when he approached her about having a student teacher (they have a reputation of being a lot of work). She was reluctant, but we both feel like it was "meant to be"! We have made a great team and I wish we could teach like this all the time! She even wants me to be her long-term sub when she goes on maternity leave next year! I'm anxious to see what the next year unfolds for us.


britt said...

oh I feel your pain and insecurity on this one. Science and Social Studies were by far my biggest challenges as well. Lucky for me, we did rotations for those subjects, so I only had to teach some of the topics. Way to go, and bite the bullet. You definitely realize (most times) that things aren't quite so bad when you actually try!

Tara said...

Good for you Jay!!! I know how hard that is. I felt the same way about trying to start my business and get organized for classes, I dreaded it with a passion, but I'm glad I jumped in and learned so much. It takes a big person to actually ASK for that. (I didn't ask, I was forced into my growth) I'm really proud of you, MAJOR pat on the back, over and over!