Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Family Movie Night

As our kids get older, there is a noticeable incline in how busy we are. It feels like we are always going in so many different directions that it's hard to just stop and BE together.

Then I got an idea. I noticed that one of my Facebook friends was posting about her family movie nights each Friday night and how fun they were. At first, it made me feel like it was yet another thing I wasn't doing for my family. But then I started remembering how much I loved Friday nights as a kid. My mom would take us to pick out lots of treats at the store, and then we'd come home and we'd watch the TGIF lineup of shows (I don't remember all of them, but Full House was one of them).

So we decided to try it. We've now done three official Family Movie Nights and it has most definitely been a hit! First we take the kids to Walgreens or whatever store has a fun selection of candy and let them each pick out one kind of candy (it ends up being MORE than enough for their small tummies). They think this is absolute heaven. Peyton picks the red bag of Skittles every single time. Lexi picks different things each time, but is confident about her decision. And Jordyn could spend the entire day trying to pick one (she's indecisive like her mommy). We come home and put a big blanket on the floor....with blankets and pillows. And ALL of us sit and watch the movie together. No laptops, phones or other distractions (that is hard for me). Peyton bounces all over the place, but otherwise it goes pretty smoothly!

Here is what we've watched so far. (I'm trying to have them be new-to-them movies....but eventually we'll call on old favorites):
1. Bedtime Stories (Adam Sandler, newer movie) - they thought it was funny
2. Star Wars (Episode 4) - so/so. They liked it, didn't LOVE it. Tucker's pick.
3. E.T. - Big success

Here are some pics from our last week's Movie Night (we invited cousin Lyric to join us):

First, I had a gift card, so we went to In-N-Out for some burgers!

After the wild trip to Walgreens with four kids going crazy in the candy aisle....we came home to start Star Wars!

Tucker had to do some explaining beforehand :-)

Yum!! Sugar!!

I hope we can keep the tradition going! Because all too soon, they may be way too cool to spend Friday nights with their family!


Eliza2006 said...

That's a really good idea. I'm sure the kids will remember it forever! I loved TGIF shows! Although, my mom would have never let us eat a bunch of junk. Unfortunately, Eliza gets way more junk than we did as kids!

Unknown said...

We used to do this every Friday night when I was little and I loved it- and to show how old I am we actually had to RENT the VCR too!

britt said...

yes we do that too, if we are not gone somewhere on that Friday night. Sometimes it is a big deal with treats and all, but sometimes mom hasn't remembered and the kids get whatever is around the house. We (meaning QUinn and I) are not as good about making it the whole family, one or both of us is usually doing something else. It really would be more memorable if it was ALL of us ALL the time! thanks for the reminder!!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

What a great idea. Your kids are going to have such great memories. I'm so going to borrow this idea :)